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Harry's POV

As Grace looked up at me, her eyes sparkled and sent a shiver down my back. I slowly leaned in and kissed her as she kissed me back. Stacy came out of the bar a few seconds latter and grabbed Graces dress yanking her away from me and walking off. Grace blew a kiss to me as she turned and ran off with Stacy. I looked up and Cassie had left, maybe she had to go I shrugged turning on my heal and walking away to my dorm, this has been a fantastic night I smiled to myself remembering how grace wrapped her arms around me and snuggled her head into my chest.

As I made it back to the office to get to my dorm I heard a loud thud against a door and then the sound of intense sobbing, I looked around the corned to the passageway opposite me and saw Cassie on the ground with her head in her hands crying.

I walked down to Cassie and stood over her and stared at her, as she realised someone was there she gasped and looked up at me. Her mascara had ran all the way down her cheeks and her eyes were deepy blood shut with her nose red and her moth frowned with her bottom lip trembling as she was holding back tears. "Cass, what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down to her, putting my hand on her back for comfort. As I placed my hand down she flinched away and crawled a few meters away from me bringing her legs to her chest and cupping herslef into a ball digging her head between her knees and crying once again.

"Cass! Please tell me, I'm worried"

She looked up with her mouth wide up open and her body trembling, "why don't you go ask Grace, she seems comfy with you, maybe she thinks your her boyfriend because you lead her on then you can liagh in her face and humiliate her. Sounds like fun" she sobbed, whipping her nose with the back of her hand.

"Cassie, come on! I'm sorry I lead you on but I really like Grace and I think she likes me! Come on we're best friends! Your meant to be like an ultimate wing man here not a jealous little thingy" I chuckled, gesturing to her to point out how she was the 'jealous little thingy' such a good label Harry, jealous little thingy....

She looked up at me with an angry, frustrated look on her face, "Harry! Just leave!" She yells standing up and towering over me whose still on my knees, "I just.....I can't even! Arg! You know what Harry! I'm done! So done with your games! I'm not some toy! I have feelings and emotions just like you shares but your too stubborn to realise because it's always about you! So just save me the heart break and leave! Go!" She stomps pointing me away


"Don't you even look at me, don't you even!" She cuts me off, her nostrils flaring and she stepped forward

"Cass! Just listen!" I yell, scrambling to my feet

"No Harry! I won't just listen because that's all I've even done! Now it's your turn to listen to me! Okay? I say leave, so just get out of my bloody face and leave you bastard!" She screams

"Cass-" as I look up to her she looks away knowing that if she meets my gaze she'll fall right back in. She winces as she looks wounded, I extend my arm to her gentle caressing her chin to lift her face to look at me.

"What" she snaps, looking past me

"I just....." I stumble over my words, I don't know what to say because honestly I didn't think she'd let me speak. Before I could process what was happening she turned to run away but I grabbed her wrist yanking her back, "you can't run away from your problems" I say twisting her back grabbing her shoulders to hold her still.

Cassie's POV

"You can't run away from your problems" he says turning me around and gripping to my shoulders

"Watch me" I snap, bringing my hand to his cheek attempting to slap but he grabs my wrist along with my other just in case and holds them tightly

"Don't you speak to me like that!" He yells, nostrils flaring as his breathing increases as he stares down at me. His grip around my wrist tighten as his anger gets a hold of him

"Ouch, Harry your hurting me!" I cry trying to break free of his grip, "Harry! You jerk! Let me go!" He doesn't move at all, his grip only tightens as I cry out in pain. Suddenly coming from my left wrist I hear a snap! His face suddenly goes pale as though he's seen a ghost as he backs away from me. Gripping my wrist hot tears start to pool down my face as I give a silent cry of pain.

"Cass I...I don't know what happened....I'm so..I" he stuttered, his eyes wide

"You broke my wrist Harry that's what happened"

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