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Cassie's POV

"What? Who the hell...........dad?" I asked, my eyes wide

"So you do know who I am" he chuckled on the other end of the line

"Oh my go- dad! I miss you so much! How'd you get my number, can I see you, what are you doing with your life, where do you live-"

"Easy there tiger" my dad chuckled at my sudden outburst of queries, "I'll be honest, I thought you'd hate my guts and tell me to piss off or something"

"Why on earth would I do that?"

"Because I left you......I'm sorry Cass" sorrow was clear in in his voice

"No, no of corse not. You had every right to go, she didn't treat you right. But you could've brought me with you" I sniffled, trying to hold back my tears of both joy that I'm hearing my dad's voice and sad because of the memories of him leaving, the inky person I could rely on left me with my tormentor

"I didn't bring you because I had no money, no home no anything. I lived on the street Cass and I didn't want to put you though that. But I'm feather wealthy now and um, need to talk to you about some good news"

"Sure um I'm with a friend can I bring him along and why don't we meet at Casterstone cafe? Wait are you even in town?"

"Yes I'm in a hotel around the corner from there and moving into a new home next week" he said before we said out goodbyes and hung up.

"So, how's your daddy?" Liam playfully asked, smirking down on me

"Daddy's going good, he wants to meet is that okay?" I ask, nervous that I'm putting him on the spot

"That's fine, besides I think we should meet each other's parents considering how close we've become" he smiles down on me

"Okay" I smile, poking him in the cheek before walking to the car.


As we pulled into the parking lot of Casterstone cafe I sighed before exiting he car and waiting for Liam.

As he made his way over to me I shivered at the sudden breeze that just picked up. Imminently Liam realised my shivered and took off his jacket and placed them on my shoulders

"No, Liam don't give me your jacket, now you'll get cold"

"Better you than me" he smiled before wrapping his arm over my shoulder

"Liam, I don't want you to die of hypothermia. Take the jacket" I start to take the jacket off as Liam pulls the jacket right back over my shoulders

"Cass, it's like 10 degrees. Cold, yes, but I don't think I'll die of hypothermia" he chuckled as he hagan to lead me inside

"Well, you never know" I shrug turning and looking at him, "thank you"

"My pleasure" he smiles down at me, his smile was so perfect

"Seriously for everything, your the only person in the whole world who wasn't broken me, left me or just hurt me. I can't believe I have such an amazing friend" I smile a tear slipping my eye

"Hey Cass, your like my sister, I love you. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise" he smiles pulling my into his arms and embracing me

"Love you too" I smiled into his chest as he lets out a sigh

"Now let's get inside before I die of hypothermia"

"Liam, it's like ten degrees. Cold, yes, but I don't think you'll die of hypothermia, I mocked his recent words as he pulled me inside.

As we made out way though the crowd I handed Liam his jacket before stopping to take a better look.

"I can't see him" I sigh, "I'm too short to look over the crowd of people"

"I can't see him either" Liam sighs back as he turns back to me, "maybe he's late. Com'on, let's get a drink"

As we weave out way though the people the only thing not letting me get lost is the grasp I have of Liam's back, I feel the eyes of men burning into my back, well my but to be more specific. Gosh, for a cafe it feels a lot like a bar.

Finally we make it to the counter where we look at the drinks, "no sugar for you" Liam whispers to me, his gaze on the drinks menu

"What? No! I want an iced chocolate with extra cream and extra chocolate" I wine to him before he chuckles

"We just got hot chocolate like 15 minutes ago! Why not just a small drink"

"Nope" I say, popping the 'p' while shaking my head, "besides it spilt all over us, we didn't drunk anything"

"Alright, fine" Liam sighs, turning and smiling at the waiter, "hi um one iced chocolate and one........Hm this is hard"

"Mate, hurry up" the waiter sighs while Liam's eye brows furrow together so focused of what drink he's going to have......wow.

Liam raises his hand to the waiter signalling for him to be patient and wait. The waiter sighs before turning to me, "hello cupcake" the 40 year old man smiled at me

"Um, hi?" I said, more sounding like a question

"So, you come here often?"

"Do you work here often?"


"Then you should know the answer to that, have you seen me here before?"

"A few times. I know because your so beautiful" he says, his hand grazing over my cheek

"Um ew" I say stepping behind Liam who was so deep in though of what drink he wanted still

"You know what, I'll just take a water" he sighs belfry handing the waiter the money

"Seriously? It's look you like 10 minutes to decide on just a water while the grandpa hit on me?"

"Oo did he make a good impression?" He joked, nudging me with his elbow

"Very" I say sarcastically, "I think he's the one Liam"

"I think so too. I'll organise your wedding"

"Okay, I want you to be the Maid of honour" I laugh at hmm before he pretends to fan girl over my request

"OMG do my hair and makeup. But I don't do the hot colors because they clash with my skin tone and eyes" he says in the most American teenage girl accent he could do. He was spot on.

As I walked back around the cafe me eyes landed on a man sitting down in the corner with a black suit on and he was sipping coffee looking at the news paper. Dad.

As I walked over to the man his eyes meet mine as he smiled, his gaze then went behind me as Liam stepped forward in front of me

"Hey dad. This is Cassie, my best friend" Liam said to my dad

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