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Nialls POV

They stood there kissing each other. I know I only met her today but I just can't help but feel sad and betrayed but I know I'm nothing compared to him. He's got the piercings, tattoos, charms, eyes, body and the attitude that a girl wants, I'm just Niall Horan with an impressive diploma.....wow.

I stare at her for one last second to see if she was going to pull away and come to me but then reality hit me when he wrapped his arms around her waist as she did around his neck. I simply shove my hands in my pockets, turned and walked away, kicking at the rocks around my feet. A single tear drops down my face so I put sunglasses to hide my pain. She might as well ripped my heart out, that would hurt less.

Listen to yourself Niall! You met this girl today! I think to myself as I enter the buildings containing my dorm but I can't help it, I just felt a spark. It's like, when I see her face light up when she smiles it brings joy to me, joy that I haven't felt in years and it's like she's the angle bringing me out of the dark state I'm in. I know I come off as a clearly lad but deep down it's like a whole room of black and only black everywhere but then when I look up there's the tiniest hint of white which gets bigger and bigger the more she comes to me. There's no point now, that white spot has almost completely vanished but there's still a part of me that believes I've got a chance, Ha! I've got no chance, look at me.....I'm a nobody.

Cassie's POV

As Harry kisses me he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer to him and I wrap my arms around his neck to pull his closer too. After chasing him non stop and the constant rejection it comes to this, my happily ever after, it's funny how only a few hours ago he told me he just liked me as a friend but then Niall came and.......wait.

I pull away from Harry taking a few steps away from him and frowning, he couldn't have, could he? My head starts spinning as I try to put the pieces of this scenario together.

"What?" He says pulling a dark green beanie over his head

"Why'd you kiss me? You only like me as a friend then....that" I gesture between us

"I know I said stuff but when I kissed you...." He pauses, he bits his bottom lip hooking the piercing behind his teeth

"What? When you kissed me what?" I nag, eager for his response

"It felt like electricity and it revealed my true feelings for you, Cass......I have feelings for you" he says stepping towards me and tucking my hair behind my ear.

This is the moment I've waited so long for! I cants believe it's happening!

Harry's POV

That better do it, keep that stupid Niall guy away from my best friend. He's a jerk, comming here and claiming Cass not giving her any space to make girl friends on this damn campus. I'm pretty proud of my acting skills, normally I suck but then again I always get what I want and I wanted that jerk to be gone.

Suddenly, the bell chimes so loud I cover my ears as that means it's time to go to our dorms for the rest of the night, yeah right. I'm going to a small gathering at the bar in about 15 minutes and it's other the other side of campus so I should leave now. I'm glad I made a new friend already I just hope that Cass makes one too, Nialls out of the picture now.....good.

"I've got to go" I wave to Cass as she begins to turn to walk to her dorms and gives me a peck on the cheek and runs off. Yuck, I lift my hand and wipe my cheek. Cass acts like she's all tough but really she's so fragile so I better go easy on her and not let her get too wound up with me.

As I job back to my dorm I see Mitch, he's blue hair is spiked up and his matching blue eyes have dark bags beneath them. His tanned skin bring out the pinkness in his cheeks and he looks like he's wearing makeup, "sup man!" He yells and high fives me, "let's go!" He clicks his fingers and points to the bar about 50 meters from where we are now. I follow him to the front of the door and meet the two girls he invited along, Stacy and grace. Stacy has dark purple hair and hazel eyes along with very fair skin, her eyes are lazy and she seems to have a permanent smirk look on her face. Grace however is beautiful, her light pink hair compliments her tanned skin and her deep brown eyes sparkle as she smiles at me. Damn, grace is so beautiful.

Cassie's POV

as I rush to my dorm with butterflies in my stomach I bump into a punk girl who looks a lot like me but has blond hair and blue streaks and dark green eyes with lightly tanned skin. I bump into her and fall to the ground as my keys leave my hand they slide under my dorm door. Great.

"Watch where your going!" She scolds me

"Shut up, it was just as much your fault then mine!" I snap as I stand but to my feet, "I'd just like to thank you because now I can't get into my dorm so um piss off before I loose my temper, I tend to do it when I get annoyed" I sarcastically scold her

"Okay well I'm sorry. Do you want to come get a drink with me and some friends and I'll pay you a drink?" She asks with a kind look on her face, "sure" I say rolling my eyes for no apparent reason.

"My names Gemma" she says extending her arm out to me, "Cassie" I say shaking her hand.

As we walk over to the bar we have a light convocation but I must admit I'm enjoying her company. As we arrive at the bar I step inside and she walks me to a booth where her friends are. There are two boys and two girls and I've seen the two girls around and have had a snap at them, Stacy and Gracie or something like that. As we draw closer and closer to them I realise one of the boys is Harry and I run up to him and jump on his lap giving him a suppose attack and a kiss to ease the sudden jump from his startle.

Harry's POV

"Shut up!" Grace giggles as Stacy tells about her embarrassing run into her ex the other day. Suddenly, someone pounces on me and kisses me. I jump in my chair and pull them off frantically panting to try gain my breath back. Much to my surprise its Cass. Great. She thinks we're a couple but I don't have those sort of feelings towards her, do I? I don't know but right now I think I'm starting to fall for Grace, her humor is the same as mine and there's never a dull moment when I'm with her.

When I look up at Cassie I realise that she's frowning and slightly embarrassed by the rejected remark but it's just instinct. I smile at her and scoot over and she pushes my dimples.....okay.......she sits awfully close and rests her head on my shoulder, gosh.

"Cass" I say gentle pushing her head off my shoulder, "it's nice to see you here" I smile as she has a confused look on her face, "what?" I ask her, she's just staring at me confused like I've got a third eye.

"What was that for?" She pouts as she shuffles a little further from me. I open my mouth and start to try to make a reason for my actions without hurting her when her phone vibrates with a text message. She holds up a hand to me to gesture me to wait and checks her phone and just who I wanted to see whose name was there it's that jerks, Niall. I read the message over her shoulder and clench my fists together, this guys really getting on my last nerve.

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