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(Just wanted to say Merry Christmas!! Hope you have a great holiday and a happy new year!!!! 💖)

Harry's POV

I turn on me heels and walk off, I had to leave before she me after having to say those, heart breaking words.

I know that in this situation I look like the bad guy, but I'm not. Cass deserves someone better than me, she deserves someone how actually loves her! My feelings for her were fake, why keep her to someone who doesn't love her? My feelings were fake....right?

I had to break her heart, I had to break it to break the feelings for me. Now, she's free. Free to find someone who will love her back and she won't have any regrets or feel guilty because of me. She's a strong girl and she'll be able to pick herself up, dust herself off and move on. It's not like she loved me, it was just a mere crush, maybe it could even be considered a connection, but all connections were made to be broken.


I walked to my building containing my dorm and walked in, taking my jacket off due to the warmth in the building. Can't believe it's not snowing out side, it's freezing! As I make my way my dorm, I fumble with the keys and jiggle it until the lock pops and the door swings open. As I step inside I trip on the small step and face plant into the floor.

"Ouch" i rubbed my forehead, it was throbbing and brought a head ache, I hit my head pretty hard. Trying to pull myself back up my arms rejected me and I crashed back down on the ground. I started to quietly sob to myself due to some feelings inside me. Pain. But it wasn't physical pain. Have I broken myself as well as Cass? The question runs around my head unable to leave as I slowly drift into a non peaceful sleep.

Cassie's POV

As I see him enter his building, I realise that it was all fake. He never even liked me! He doesn't even care for me! He wouldn't have hurt me as such if he had the slightest bit of care towards me. My heart starts to throb as I bring my hands to my heart, it's really breaking Cass, it's really happening my subconscious whispers in pain. I turn towards my building and stumble my way back to the dorm till I realise that I'm locked out once again. It's 8:34 now and the office closes at 8:20, great, just missed it. I let out a deep sigh that I've been holding in and slumped my way to the door where I sat in front of it. Nothing more I can really do, I don't want to disturb Niall again and pour all my problems out on him. Geez, I need more friends. To keep myself entertained I started doing some body percussion, you know, stomp my feet, clap my hands, pat my lap, I had a good rhythm going.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice hissed from across my dorm, I jumped as I looked up and saw a boy with short brown hair, brown eyes and some tattoos wearing only black boxes, exposing his ripped abs, "hello?" He said waving his hands over my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm locked out of my dorm, I haven't been in there for three days I think, maybe four....wait it could be two since-"

"Fascinating, anyway. Do you want to crash here for tonight? My roommates out at a bar so he probably won't be back till tomorrow afternoon" he said cutting me off, rude,

"Sure" I said rolling my eyes and sighing

"I'm trying to help you here so I wouldn't be rolling your eyes at me" he said crossing his arms

"Whatever" I sarcastically remark standing to my feet

"Whatever? So um......bye" he sarcastically smiled before turning and slowly closing the door

"No! Look I'm sorry, okay? I've just been though a really tough time, I'm a mess! I don't know how to pick myself up so I take it out of other people" I sigh, it feels good to let it out

"Okay. Come inside and we'll talk about it" he opened the door and demanded before letting me inside and closing the door behind me. His dorm was identical to mine expect one of his walls had a painting just of various colours on it, it was beautiful.

"Come, I'm Liam by the way" he smiled sitting down on his bed and patting the spot next to him, I walked over and sat down next to him, "I'm Cassie, thanks for letting me stay" I try to smile but by the way he shifted uncomfortably I could tell he wasn't buying my act, "come on, what happened"

I took a big sigh before explaining the whole story in detail about Harry, he looked interested the whole time, captivated by my story and gasping at the sad parts, "well" he sighed, "you've had some rough times haven't you! Hope in the bed over there and get a good nights rest! Just one more day then you'll have a nice weekend to recover and it's proven that when you sleep, your head sorts out your problems" he smiles

"Thanks Lyon" I smile before plopping down onto the spare bed

"It's Liam" he stuttered

"Whatever" I roll my eyes as he crosses his arms and pouts, he looks so cute, "sorry!" I hold my hands up in defeat as I roll under the covers and drift off into a good nights sleep.


**Next morning**

Harry's POV

My eyes slowly flutter open as I wake up off the ground, looking around the room I realised it's Friday, the day I have literature with Cassie, "Arg" I sigh before dropping my head back down onto the ground. How am I supposed to keep her away from me and try to hate her when really she's like family to me, "crap" I gasp looking at the mirror on the other side of the room, my skin was split open where if hit it yesterday. It wasn't deep but there was a but of blood. I shower up and get dressed before getting myself prepared and ready for my acting today, it has to be convincible, it has to be.

Cassie's POV

I groan as the sound of a soccer announcer fills my ears, "wow! People did you see that shot! Kennedy has own it for Australia!" I slowly open my eyes and turn around to see Liam lying in bed watching the sport channel, "Good morning sunshine" he smiles handing me a towel for the shower, I give him a nod to say thank you before quickly getting up and shuffling to the bathroom.

Once I'm prepared and ready to go I realise that my heart ache has almost completely vanished and I'm feelings clean and new! Now you can meet someone who loves you, who truly loves you and who you love back my subconscious exclaims as I say good bye to Liam and leave to my classes.

I make it through the first 4 periods of the day just fine, now I have a double period of literature....great! I get to have two hours with the person I despise most in this world yet love most in this world, no Cassie, you don't love him, yes I do, no I don't. "I don't care" I whisper to myself, "Harry can't and won't get in my way"

As I enter the classrooms drop all of my books and my mouth flies open and my eyes spring with tears

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