Chapter 1

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The man stalked the woman through the streets but little did he know was that I was stalking him. I leant against the side of the building from which drunken shouts could be heard. I spat to the side in disgust. Humans were fools. They wasted their short lives and were the most selfish creatures in the world. Someone bumped into me and the drunk man scowled, "watch where you're going you"- he stopped when he finally looked at me.

I stood a head taller than him, my dark arms crossed in front of my broad chest as I glared down at the drunk man. He swallowed when he met my eyes and rushed away into the night. When I looked up my prey had disappeared. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and sniffed the air. I could still smell his scent. Following it, I casually walked down the alley he had just disappeared into. He was up wind of me which stopped him from sensing me, what a foolish stray this was. If he was hunting by himself then he should have been more aware of his surroundings. I heard a cry and the woman was pinned against the wall as the vampire attacked her. I moved quickly and had the stray by the throat. He scrabbled at my hands, his eyes red with hunger and his fangs sprouted as he hissed at me. The woman's eyes were wide with fear and she opened her mouth and started to scream. God what a noise! I casually struck a pressure point on her neck and she slumped unconscious. Stupid mortal woman. The stray slashed out at me, hoping to catch me off guard but I simply slammed him against the wall and he went limp. I let him go and he slumped against the wall, his eyes out of focus.

"If you want her take her, I swear I didn't know she was yours!"

I kicked his leg and he clutched at it and cried out in pain.

"Please it's not broken. You broke the rules stray. I am sure they were explained to you, after all," I sniffed the air around him.

"You are about eighty years old, you should know them."

"I wasn't going to kill her! Besides the blood of the feeders tastes the same after a while. I wanted something filled with the flavour of fear."

He chuckled but I cut it off with my taloned hand around his throat.

"Then she would know out secret and the hunters would turn on us again! Lord Akashi had worked hard for this truce, I will not let some fledgling ruin that!"

His eyes widened as he put the pieces together and fear tainted the air around him.

"Oh no, you're Aomine, scion to the Akashi clan!"

Ignoring his pleas as he recognized his fate I decapitated him in an instant, dodging the blood spray with centuries of experience. I would hide the body until the sun rose which would erase all evidence. The woman would wake up with a bad headache and put the events down as a nightmare from too much drinking. I brushed my dark navy hair out of my eyes and sighed with boredom, this hunt had been much too easy, I hope Akashi would have something better for me when I returned.

Carriages hurtled through the middle of the streets while pedestrians and commoners kept to the sides. I dodged through the people with ease, protected from the sun's rays with a large wide brimmed hat and long sleeved clothes. The sun wouldn't kill me as it did lesser vampires but it was still uncomfortable and drained me. I had lost track of time and by the time I had disposed of the strays body the sun had been rising and I still had to get to the next town over. I was fast but the sun was still high in the sky by the time I arrived. As I moved through the busy town the crowds grew less and less until only the ladies with their escorts and expensive clothes walked the streets and carriages that were a lot fancier than the others rolled past. I had reached the noble part of town and guards positioned in front of the residences eyed me off as I walked past, hands on their swords. I grinned at one of them, showing a mouthful of gleaming white teeth and the young guard swallowed, his hand tightening on his sword.

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