Chapter 13

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Kise's Pov

I stood on the roof and looked up at the full moon, my senses taking in everything around me. I could hear an owl that caught a field mice a hundred metres away and the drunk man stumbling in the door way three houses away. Smells assailed my nose and it was too difficult to sort through them all. One scent however sent shivers running through my body and I turned to see Aomine walking over to me, his face emotionless.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm immortal now and my body heals itself, you don't have to keep asking. I can now see why you guys love that blood so much, it really is quite nice."

Before he would have laughed or at least smiled but there was nothing. His face remained passive and his eyes were closed off to me now. Ever since I had woken up a week ago, now part of the living dead he had been withdrawn.

I couldn't remember much of what had happened that day. I remembered the feeling of being in his arms as he ran but that was all. I had been in and out of consciousness as death called me. I remembered the pain of someone's teeth in my wrist, teeth that didn't belong to Aomine and had struggled weekly. Then a sweet liquid was forced down my throat and the pain began. Too weak to even cry out I lay on a bed, barely conscious as fire ripped through my body as it underwent the change. It had gone on for a whole day and the next night when I had opened my eyes there was no pain and my body felt light and easy to move. I couldn't control my limbs and ended up moving too quickly, overshooting doorways or breaking things with my now monstrous strength. If that wasn't enough my senses had exploded and it had felt like I was going mad. I could hear a pin drop in another house or smell a bleeding person at the other side of town and my eyes could see a single grain of sand. It had all been too much at once and all I wanted was Aomine to hold me but then he had appeared, with that look on his face and nothing was the same.

"Akashi said it would be best to go out to the forest at night to get used to your new body and during the day you can just hide downstairs."

"I am learning to sift through the sounds now and to not let it overwhelm me which you would know about if you were around."

I tried to meet his gaze but his eyes shifted away and he placed a bag on the ground.

"A change of clothes."

With that he turned and within moments he was just a spot in the distance. I knelt down to open the bag and saw a dark blue yukata, just like my favourite one that had been lost in the attack. Holding the bag against my chest I was shocked when I felt warm tears sliding down my cheeks. This was the first time I had cried since becoming a vampire. My body shook with sobs as I sat on the roof, the tears streaming down my face, unable to stop. I was so caught up in my grief that I didn't know someone had joined me until an arm was placed around my shoulders and I was pulled into an embrace. Blinking the tears away I recognized the floral scent and relaxed.


"It's okay to cry Kise, let it out. I understand what its like. I got a similar cold treatment after I was turned as well."

"It was a horrible situation but this was eventually bound to happen and now I can be by his side forever but he isn't here beside me and that is what hurts. Not the sun that hurts my eyes and irritates my skin, not the sounds and smells that drive me crazy the fact that I can't touch the man I love. Does he hate me? Do I smell different? Did he only like my blood?"

"Now that's enough out of you."

She pulled back and grasped my shoulders, shaking me.

"Don't even think such a thing. I have never seen Dai-chan care for anything or anyone the way he does you. I have known him since we were children and you are his everything, I can see that."

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