Chapter 3

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I leant against the pillar as I watched Kise spinning around on the stage. Around the room sat men and women, pausing from their drinking and eating to watch him as well. He was truly marvellous to watch. The short floral kimono had sunflowers on it which complimented his eyes and showed off his perfectly toned legs as he dipped and twirled for the crowd. His face was one of true bliss, a content smile on his face as he danced.

I had tracked his scent here and found out that he was the most popular dancer at this small establishment. I had turned my nose up a little at the smell. Drunk, sweaty bodies jammed into a small building as they drooled over Kise. It took all my self-control to keep my fangs away and not growl at every lecherous gaze. He was only a dancer though. Some of the others had a second, less pleasant job. I had seen some men and women picked from a list like cattle and lead upstairs with their customers. I hated it but that was what the world was like. No matter the era, sex made money and controlled a large portion of the mortals lives.

A round of applause snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see that Kise had disappeared from the stage and a band had just taken place, striking up a soft tune as conversation and drinking resumed.

"Well it looks like you are good at the hunt, Aominecchi."

I turned around, catching a whiff of that delicious scent to see Kise standing behind me, a jacket thrown over his outfit. My eyes were drawn to the beads of sweat trickling down his neck and chest and the kimono which hugged his curves. My fangs ached to be released, to take a bite of the delicious morsel in front of me. I turned away and bent over, clutching a hand to my mouth. No. I refuse to do that to him!


His small hands were on my back, soothing me and as his scent enveloped me.

"I'm okay, I just need some fresh air. Would you like to join me for a bit?"

Faking light-headedness I allowed him to lead me out the back and into a small alley where I rested against the wall, inhaling the scents around me and allowing the night air to cool me down.

"Are you okay now?"

I opened my eyes to see him hugging himself and staring at me with so much concern I felt my heart squeeze in my chest.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

An eye brow went up at the sudden question but he nodded.

"Yes. Why's that?"

"Tomorrow night. I will pick you up from your house after nightfall. I want to take you out. An apology for scaring you last time. And I want to get to know you."

A blush crept along his pale cheeks as I blurted out my plans.

"You don't have to apologize. I wasn't scared perse."

I felt my blood boil in my veins at how meek he looked so I moved towards him. He backed up until he was against the opposite building and I placed my arms beside his head, trapping him between them.

"You weren't scared of me?"

He was shivering but I saw his eyes were bright, his cheeks pink as he looked up at me.


I moved my head close to his neck and inhaled his scent as I rubbed my nose along it.

"And now?"

His breath hitched in his throat and I could hear his heart thumping.

"I'm not afraid of you Aominecchi."

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