Chapter 7

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I crouched on a branch high in the sky as I waited for the vampires to reach me. The sun had fully set and I knew they were on their way. Fate was neither on our side or against us as there wasn't a breath of breeze to be had on this still summer night. They wouldn't be able to smell me until they were almost upon me, but neither would I sense them. Momoi was stationed to the east, Midorima the south and Takao the west. I was at the north and the closest to the mansion should anything go wrong. I thought of the frail human hiding in my room but shook my thoughts of him away. I needed to be focused. We were largely outnumbered and the hunters stationed here were only young ones with almost no field training. This was after all, supposed to be a safe place considering Akashi had set up his home here. We could not rely on them. If Kise was to be safe, and the whole town, we would need to stop them.

I stiffened as I heard a breaking branch. They were close. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. There. Ten figures moving through the trees. I smirked in the darkness. Good, I had a decent amount. This would be fun.

I have four here.

I heard Momoi's voice and was glad she didn't have too many to fend off. She was strong, but she wasn't as strong as us. Good. That left about fifteen between the other two scions that would be manageable. I sensed them pass the tree below me and I stayed still until the last figure passed by and I dropped down silently behind him and in one quick movement, decapitated him with a taloned hand. His headless body dropped to the ground with a thump and the remaining nine spun in shock to see me, smirking in the dark.

"I am afraid this is as far as you are going."

They surged forward with a roar and I leapt into the fray. They sort to overwhelm me with their numbers but I used it against them, letting them collide with one another as I weaved through them, leaving injuries in my wake. I swung through the trees and used them as cover as I slowly drew them away from the town. I was suddenly grabbed from behind and a stray launched for my throat but I spun, pulling my captor into the way and the attackers hand went through his chest. Discarding the body I quickly crushed the others heart before dodging out of the way of another attack. I winced as a taloned hand dug into my thigh and ripped a deep gash down it. I snapped his leg and while he fell, screaming in pain I broke his neck.

Shit, one got past me!

Momoi's voice screamed through my head and for a moment I lost concentration as I thought of Kise. One of the vampires took advantage and pain rippled through me as he slashed my chest. I backed up, lashing out with my foot and connecting with one of their backs, hearing a satisfying crunch as he bent in half.

He is going for the mansion!

I stiffened at her words and glared at the remaining strays. Only four were left and they were standing unsure nearby, eying me off wearily.

"He is injured! We can do this!"

I bared my teeth and snarled as they moved towards me. I launched myself, using all my speed and punched on the one who had spoken, my fangs tearing into his throat and he fell, blood splattering everywhere. I grabbed two others and slammed their heads together, smashing them like pumpkins. The remaining stray glanced at his dead comrades and turned tail and fled. Normally I would make chase but Kise was in trouble. I looked down at my chest and grimaced. It was a pretty bad wound and I had not fed in a week since I had been by Kise's side. It would be slow healing, I would need to feed soon. Pushing my pain down I charged into town towards the mansion, praying I would make it in time.

Kise's Pov

I looked out the window of the room and hugged myself. I could hear the distant cheers and see fireworks from the river. I couldn't hear any screams of fear or pain. Was Aomine okay? I tightened my hold on myself. He was strong, he was different but was he strong enough? Midorima looked worried when he came by the house which worried my because he always was so calm and collected. Aomine also looked scared for me as he told me to run if I had to. He had told me he loved me. I put a hand to my chest and closed my eyes, remembering the moment he said my name and those three lovely words. He loved me. For such a long time I thought I was the only one hopelessly in love with him. I thought of him day and night. The fact that he felt the same way made me so happy I could burst. I heard a door slam and raised voices from inside the house. I walked out of Aomine's room and looked to the entrance to see two people barricading the door. They turned to me and I could see one of them was splattered with blood.

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