Chapter 9

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Kises's POV

I opened my eyes and lay in bed, my whole body aching. I sat up, testing my strength. I was lying in Aomine's bed but he was nowhere to be seen. I was naked but clean, he must have washed me while I was unconscious. Remembering last night brought a blush to my cheeks and I saw that I had a light scattering of bruises around my hips. Standing up, my legs a little wobbly I pulled on a robe and walked over to the door. When I opened it a figure who had been sitting beside it stood up and bowed towards me.

"Good morning Master Kise, if you would follow me I will show you to the dining area and you will be given some breakfast."

My stomach grumbled at the mention of food and I followed the man into another room. I eyed him off as we walked, he seemed to be human and wasn't bothered by the sunlight. He sat me down and returned quickly with a bowl of fresh fruit and a cup of tea. I almost inhaled the food, I hadn't realised how hungry I had been. I looked around as I was eating, taking in the expensive house. I guess immortals had a lot of time to make money.

"Ah, Ryota, you are awake."

I turned to see Akashi walking into the room, a hood covering his head from the sun light. I jumped to my feet and bowed towards the vampire lord.

"No need for such formalities. You are one of my scions mates and that makes you a part of this family."

He moved to the table and sat across form me as I sat back down, sipping on the tea, aware of his eyes on me.

"You want to ask me something? I can tell."

I put the cup down and looked up to meet his heterochromatic gaze.

"Aominecchi told me about what you all are and how he became a vampire. How does it happen though? I mean, his is immortal and I am a human. I'm not saying that I want to change but- but its something I should think about."

"Ah humans. You always surprise me to have the ability to live in the know and plan for the future all at once."

He interlaced his fingers and gazed at me.

"To become one of us, most of your blood is to be drained or you are to be close to death. If a vampire then feeds you there blood you will undergo a transformation. It is quite painful I hear and the process takes a few days. When you wake up you are a creature of the night."

I nodded my head. I remembered Aomine saying his first taste of blood was of Akashi and that turned him into a scion.

"Daiki will not turn you."

I looked up in shock and Akashi shook his head at seeing my expression.

"Well, I should say he can't turn you. In being granted the stronger powers that come from being a scion they have the ability to turn only human into a vampire. Momoi is that person for Daiki. When he was only freshly turned he went back to his village often to see his friends, mainly Momoi who was like a sister to him. One day however, she hurt herself and smelling her blood he lost control. He had drained her by the time I arrived and I instructed him to feed her his blood. She is however just a normal vampire, the sun light still harms her and she is not as fast or as strong as a scion."

I looked down again, my heart aching for Aomine. I had seen a flash of sadness and regret in his eyes when I had asked if he had turned me into a vampire from biting me. How horrible he must feel to know he had taken the life under the sun away from his own sister. I wanted to see him.

"I am sorry Lord Akashi but I need to go and see Aominecchi. Where is he?"

A small smile appeared on the red heads face as he jerked his head behind him.

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