Chapter 2

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For a moment longer I stared at the angel before me. Surely such a creature couldn't be real. He cocked his head, his eyes brows raised over his perfect eyes and realised he was waiting for an answer.

"Uh sorry, I'm Daiki Aomine."

I held my hand out and he took it in two of his dainty pale ones and pressed his forehead against them. I felt my body burn at his touch. Was I sick?

"Thank you so much."


The child cried drawing our attention away and much to my chagrin he let my hand go.

"Let's get you home little one, I am sure your big brothers and sisters are worried sick."

He looked over his shoulders at me, an apology in his eyes.

"I am sorry for asking you this but would you be able to walk with us? Two men and a child are less likely to raise suspicion and sadly my face it too well known."

I raised my own eyebrow in question but nodded. I didn't want to be parted from him yet. His scent was intoxicating. So I moved up next to him as he held the dirty child's hand and we headed back onto the street. It did not take me long to notice the looks on the men and woman around as they looked at Kise. Looks of lust, of wanting but when they met my scowl they turned away. The same people that looked upon Kise with hungry eyes completely passed over the child in rags as if he didn't exist. I had seen this many times. To the rich, the poor were nothing but pests, not even worth acknowledgment unless it was for punishment.

"So I want to thank you again. Not many people would jump in to help two street urchins like you did. They would have left us to be punished."

"Well I don't like to see the strong prey on the weak."

"Not something I would have expected someone of high status to say."

I glanced down at my clothes. Even thought they were dirty from traveling and hunting they were obviously well made. I glanced at the clothes that Kise wore. It was a clean and colourful Yukata but I could see the ends were frayed and there were countless patches of the cloth being repaired. We left the market place and walked a little bit longer until we were in a dark area of run down huts and with a cry a group of children, just as dirty and ragged as the child beside us rushed out. They glanced at me wearily but Kise simply put his arm around my shoulder and smiled down at them.

"Don't be afraid guys, this is Aominecchi, a friend. He helped us tonight."

The kids bowed towards me before hustling the little one inside and they all disappeared. I put my hands in my pocket and looked at the blonde.


He blushed and his pink cheeks were the cutest things I had ever seen.

"It's just a thing I do. I give nicknames to those I care about."

I felt something bubbling up inside me and moved closer, inhaling even more of his scent. It was driving me crazy. I had never smelt anything as good as him.

"You care about me?"

His blush darkened and he placed his hands on my broad chest. I noticed that they were trembling. I didn't want to frighten him so I backed up.

"I didn't mean to frighten you. Maybe I should go."

I took a few steps before turning back to see Kise standing with his hand against his thumping heart, I could hear its racing beats even from where I stood.

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