Chapter 4

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We walked through the streets, hand in hand, nodding to the other revellers as they stumbled home. Kise's cheeks were flushed from the wine and was leaning against me as we walked, his scent making me drunk. We had just dropped the basket of food off to the children and I had been shocked when they had all hugged me and even some of the younger ones came forward and kissed my cheek. I had never experienced such a thing before. Children were always more aware of the supernatural and normally they gave me a wide berth. To be touched and thanked was a new sensation and even though they were humans I kind of liked it.

"They will be your fans forever I hope you know."

As if sensing the direction of my thoughts Kise smiled up at me.

"It was kind of cute the way you acted or shy and unsure."

"I did not."

He giggled at my embarrassment and snuggled closer to me. He seemed to know my very soul and he made my cold heart beat once more in my chest. Was this love? Is this what Akashi keeps telling me to find? I caught a new scent in the breeze and sighed. Kise looked up at me in worry.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, just brace yourself. You are about to meet some of my family."

The crowd in front of us parted and I saw Midorima and Takao in front of us, dressed in their finest. Eyes widened and jaws dropped as the couple made their way down the street, Takao's hand resting on the crook of Midorima's elbow as he led his mate through the street. The unnatural beauty that came from being a vampire seemed to radiate from them as they walked by, ignorant of the stares they were drawing. They sensed me then and stopped before us, the crowd surging around us as if we were in a bubble. Humans might be attracted to us for unknown reasons but their survival instincts screamed at them to keep a distance. Except the human on my arm. Kise held out his hand, a huge smile on his perfect face.

"Hello, Aominecchi says you are his family. My name is Kise Ryota."

Takao's eye brow went up in surprise at the forwardness of the human before him and clasped his hand while Midorima's eyes flashed as he glanced at me. He took the blondes hand next and bowed over it.

"Yes in a way. We have grown up together and serve the same master."

Kise looked at me, an eye brow raised and his hand on his hip.

"Well are you going to introduce them?"

Takao coughed to cover a laugh and even Midorima's emotionless mask shifted a little as his lip twitched. Here I was, a centuries old vampire being scolded by a mortal.

"This is Takao and Midorima."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Aominecchi doesn't really talk about himself. What are his favourite hobbies? What's the rest of his family like? So what food does he eat?"

Takao coughed again and Midorima lightly cuffed him over the head.

"We would gladly have you around for tea one day but we really should be going, it is pretty late."

"Oh of course, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your date."

The couple moved on as I tugged Kise on down the street. For sure I was going to be bombarded when I returned. I could tell Midorima was not going to let the nickname slide. Far too quickly we reached his house and I stopped at the door, suddenly nervous. His eyes glowed in the moonlight as he smiled up at me and I could only stare at his lips as he licked them. With a growl I pushed him against the wall and slammed my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss, his body hot against mine. I opened the door and picked him up, never breaking the kiss as his legs went around my waist. I kicked the door shut and plopped him down on the bed. I moved from his lips to his neck, tasting every inch of him. I reached down and undid his kimono, exposing his chest and continued my trek south. I took his perfectly pink bud into my mouth and nibbled on it as he let out a small moan. The sound reverberated through me and I went back to attacking his lips. My senses were filled with my pale angel. I admired the contrast as my dark hands explored his body. He reacted to each of my touches, his lips parted in lust as he moaned my name. All I could smell was his scent and all I could hear was the delicious blood pumping through his veins. I felt my fangs release as I moved to his neck. I tried to rein myself in but I couldn't control myself. his body, his blood was there for the taking. I needed to taste him.

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