Chapter 22

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Kise's Pov

"I'm sorry Kise, this is the last one and then the pain will stop."

Kasamatsu's voice echoed around my head and I could hear the tears in his voice but I couldn't my own voice to soothe him. Pain ripped through my body as he pulled the last metal spike from my body and I slumped against his warm and comforting body. He lowered me to the floor and the cold stone was welcome against my burning body.

"He has gone too far this time."

I blinked my tired eyes up at him as he washed my body down tears streaming down his face. I saw him look over his shoulder, checking to see if anyone was around before he rolled up his sleeve and pressed a small blade to the flesh of his lower arm, drawing blood. The scent made my throat burn and my fangs ached. I didn't bother arguing this time as I pulled his arm close and drank some of his blood, being careful to make sure my fangs didn't graze his arm.

A switch had been flicked in Haizaki's monstrous mind and he 'played' with me these days to an edge of my life and cutting my blood in take even further. Not even Haizaki with all his power could stop the rumours and I found out that he had lost the eve. The hunters had found and sheltered her and her child. He had returned one day, raging and lashing out at everyone so my foolish hero self decided to throw myself his crosshairs to save the lives of the others. Now I hovered on the edge of the darkness and only Kasamatsu's blood and the memory of Aomine kept me from crossing over. I had refused his blood at the start. Haizaki had left me with a blade in my gut, my life's blood flowing away when Kasamatsu had found me. He had did his best but I was still slipping away so he had cut himself and force fed me his blood, keeping me from deaths door. I had argued with him when I was well enough but he had simply stood his ground saying he refused to see me die. Since he wasn't a toy the cuts would not be discovered but if by any chance they were as long as I left no fang marks on him the cuts could be explained away.

"Kise, I am going to start stitching now."

I felt the hot needle slide into my skin but it was nothing like the pain I had already experienced.

"It's getting worse Kise."

I didn't reply to his words as he continued to stitch me up.

"I know we have tried to be patient but I think I need to make my move."

"It's too dangerous for you Kasamatsu. They will kill you."

"If anyone can do it, it's me. No body suspects me. I have become like a piece of furniture in this place. Their gaze just slides over me. It's not like I was much to look out, now even more so."

He gingerly touched a puffy scar that marred the left side of his face, running from his temple across to the corner of his mouth. He had got that defending one of the workers from a customer and he had lashed out with a taloned hand.

"All I have to do is find your clan and lead them back here."

"I can't ask you to do something so dangerous just for me! You hesitated because you worried he would retaliate by harming the others, that hasn't changed."

"You could always turn me. Pretend I died and when they toss my body out with the others I will awaken and find your bond mate. As I have been taught, I would be able to find him because of your bond. This here," he tapped the metal band that kept me at Haizaki's mercy.

"Is the only thing that is stopping them from finding you but I could find them if you become my creator."


My voice was cold as I rebuffed his offer for perhaps the hundredth time.

"I will not be responsible for taking away your human life. Akashi only turned me because I was dying and I chose to be by Aominecchi's side."

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