Chapter 21

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Aomine's Pov

The waiting was killing me. Three weeks had passed since Kise had been taken from me and my heart ached without him. After much arguments and persuading Akashi and Momoi got me to drink enough blood to keep me strong and fighting fit. I had flat out refused human and vampire blood, drinking only animal blood. The sun was high in the sky and I glared at it, as if it held the answer to where Kise could be found.

"You are scaring the hunters."

Midorima clasped my shoulder and I looked around courtyard we were standing in to see the hunters on edge, hands on their swords as they looked at me, waiting, as if I was an animal about to pounce. A grim smile formed on my face, my teeth flashing causing them to stiffen. Well perhaps I was. I was called the beast, a great fighter and hunter. It was said if I had you in my sights there was no escape.

"Daiki, calm."

My masters' words were like a bucket of cold water as my predatory grin faded and I lowered my eyes.

"How much longer do they expect us to stand here?"

Murasakibara glared up at the sun like I had before crouching down, exhaustion evident on his face.

"It's a test. You think that after so many visits they would be finished with their games."

Two figures rushed out of the nearby building and a small smile fluttered on Akashi's face.

"Goodness, Akashi I didn't know you had arrived. Trust me there will be punishment."

The man in the lead glared at the hunters gathered around and they bowed towards him before rushing off. He was quite a large man and looked to be in his late fifties. Despite his age he was still quite solid, his long hair was tied back, streaked with grey as was his neatly trimmed moustache.

"Kazuki, it has been too long."

Akashi warmly clasped hands with the old hunter before walking with him into the building. I nodded to the other man who smiled and nodded back. I dropped in beside him as we walked on. He was young, late twenties, early thirties with dark hair and a thick wild beard. Unlike the other hunters we had met this man seemed to care little about his appearance. His shirt was wrinkled and he walked around barefoot.

"It is good to see you Hiroshi."

Midorima walked on the other side of the man and shook his hand as we walked. I couldn't find any words and simply walked in silence beside them.

"It has been some time since I have last seen you. I was hoping you would have brought Kise with you."

My heart thumped painfully in my chest as the young hunter turned to me.

"I have heard such things about him. Did you leave him behind?"

I glanced at him, my face twisted in pain and his smile faded, concern in his eyes.

"I have never seen you look this distressed Aomine. What has happened?"

I shook my head, unable to talk. We had reached the door which Kazuki held open, Akashi beside him as they both looked at me with pity in their eyes.

"That's why we are here. He has been kidnapped by Haizaki and we want your help to find him and if possible, fight with us to free him."

Silence greeted Akashi's words as we filed into the room, the door closing behind us to keep out curious hunters. Hiroshi then turned to me and grasped my shoulders.

"Of course we will help! You have helped train our men and brought about this peace we know have. Anything you want, if it is within our power will be yours."

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