Chapter 15

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Two days later we arrived in a large bustling city, it was here that we would attend the gathering the following night. We set up in a large building that had a basement were Momoi headed off to with the promise of sun rise not far off. I followed the other scions into the main room where Akashi waited to brief us on the situation. Settling down on the floor in front of Aomine he unconsciously ran his fingers through my hair as we listened in. Our orders were simple, we were to stay nearby Akashi and Momoi would stay by my side, watching over me while the others would also keep watch over us secretly. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I hadn't really dealt with vampires outside out our clan. I had met a few fledging's and taken a few strays in for punishment but the only pure bloods I had met were Akashi and Haizaki, I hadn't greeted the council. That was one of the things on the agenda with this meeting, introduction me as one of Akashi's scions. I was expected to be put on show and paraded through, Akashi's sixth scion, making him the first pure blood in ancient times to have so many scions under his command. I was in awe of the man I called master and honestly, sometimes he frightened me. His eyes could see so much and I couldn't hide anything from him. As Aomine's hands continued to sooth my hair I closed my eyes and relaxed back against him.


I sat up straight, my eyes flying open at the mention of my name. The red head had a small smile on his face as he stared at me.

"Go down and see how Momoi is will you? We are done here."

Looking around I saw that Takao and Himuro had gone. Standing up I stretched and bowed my head towards Akashi before leaving the room and heading down stairs. I found the pink haired woman sorting through a pile of dresses that had been strewn across the room.

"What's going on here?"

She looked up and her face lit up with a smile.

"Ahh Kise, good to see you, I need some help."

I glanced around the room that looked destroyed and raised an eye brow.

"I'd say."

She eyed me off before grabbing my hand and leading me to a chair in the corner, tossing the clothes that had been draped over it onto the pile on the floor.

"You should rest."

"Vampire's don't sleep."

I stifled a yawn as I said this and frowned. I was exhausted.

"I said rest, not sleep. You have been able to keep up, a new vampire like yourself normally would have collapsed after the first day. You haven't had the years to build up stamina like we have so rest. I am going to pick out some dresses and you can decide which one looks the best."

"Please make it less than twenty this time," I said, already used to her inability to choose an outfit. She poked her tongue out at me and I simply smirked before I let my eyes close.

Aomine's Pov

I watched the blonde leave the room and I waited until I was sure he wouldn't be able to overhear me and turned back to Akashi.

"So what can we expect?"

He ran his hands through his red hair and sighed.

"They will ask for me to take my throne again. Riko sent a letter through warning me. The council thinks because I have achieved this peace I need to take the reins."

"You could Seijuro."

"Don't start Shin."

He turned to the green haired man in front of him who simply shrugged.

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