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Third person POV

The moon was high in the sky when the group of people walked through the gates towards the large mansion. There were seven of them, six of them walking hand in hand with the red head leading the way.

"Akashi, I am glad you all came so quickly."

The pure blood smiled at the man who opened the door to meet them. He had dark hair that had a few stray grey hairs in it. Vampire and hunter clasped hands as the other hunters, clad in their signature dark hooded cloaks nodded towards the group of vampires, allies for the past few hundred years.

"Well when you call and say it's urgent of course we would Akio. Is Hinata okay?"

"Yes, but scared as well. Come in and we will explain."

He led the way and the vampires entered into a large sitting room. Akio paced back and forward, rubbing his beard as he tried to get the words out. Akashi followed him with his heterochromatic eyes as he cast his senses through the house, trying to figure out what had his friend so worked up.

"We tried to get onto you before this but you were unable to be contacted this past year."

"We needed to tie up some loose ends and get settled out of the country where Haizaki resides. His punishment ends next year."

Akio glanced at the two vampires who stiffened at the mention of the silver haired pure blood. Aomine pulled his blonde bond mate close and kissed his head. Kise had gone pale at the mention of the man who had kidnapped and tortured him for years.

"I am sorry I almost forget that. My request will sound foolish now when you have so much on your plate."

"Akio, is that a baby crying?"

The hunter flushed and nodded. A woman walked in carrying a crying child in her arms, a smile on her tired face. Her long blue hair was tied up in a messy bun but her eyes still shone despite her exhaustion. The intoxicating scent of the two filled the room but the vampires were not tempted. Akashi stood up slowly, careful not to make any sudden moves, aware of the red head standing guard nearby. He nodded to Kagami to show he was in control of his senses and moved towards Hinata.

"Only one child?"

The eve nodded and Akashi looked down at the crying child in her arms.

"A boy."

All the vampires in the room looked shocked but Akashi could only stare at the crying bundle in her arms. His heart was fluttering as he stared at the blue haired child.

"May I?"

The baby was passed over and the moment he was settled in the vampires arms his cries stopped and he opened his eyes to reveal stunning blue orbs that matched his hair. Child and vampire stared at each other, mesmerized. A warmth he had never felt in his long life spread through the pure blood vampire and a thought shot through him like lighting, he would do anything for this small bundle in his arms.

"What's his name?"

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

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