Chapter 8

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I was standing just inside the tree line of the forest near my house when I heard thumping foot falls behind me. I closed my eyes as I listened to the person stop a few steps away from me. Since when had I been able to tell him from just the sound of his breathing and the beat of his steps?

"Hello Aominecchi."

I turned around to see him standing behind me, his hands opening and closing as if he wanted to touch me but couldn't bring himself to. I could see his eyes flicker to the bandages around my throat and arm and a pained expression crossed his face. My own gaze raked over his body and I couldn't see any sign that he was feeling any pain from the injury to his chest.

"I'm sorry."

I ignored his apology and moved closer to him but he took a step backwards.

"Please don't move."

He froze and I moved towards him again and began to unbutton his shirt.


His perfectly toned chest was completely unmarked. The injury that had him at deaths door was healed as if it had never happened. I placed my hand on his chest and he shuddered, his eyes closed.

"So my blood helped you heal this much."

His large hand covered mine on his chest and I looked up to meet his dark eyes.

"I am sorry. So sorry. I have been trying so hard to not let you see that side of me. To not drink your blood."

"You want to drink it now?"

His second hand cupped my cheek and I found myself unconsciously leaning into it.

"Yes. You are intoxicating to me Kise. I want all of you."

It was my turn to shiver, this time from the passion and lust in his voice.

"Akashi said he talked to you. Are you sure you are not afraid?"

I remembered the night before, of those horrible red eyes of the creature that had attacked me and of how fast they had fought.

"I am afraid but not of you."

"Do you even know what I am? Can you love me even though I'm not human?"

I looked up into his eyes and I could see concealed pain there. He was afraid I would run.

"There are stories. Legends. Of creatures that thrive in the dark and crave human blood. Immortal beings that bring only death. Vampires."

A sigh rippled through his body and I moved my hand to his heart which was beating fast.

"But you have a heart beat and you can go out in the sun. How is that so? Are you really a vampire?"

"The legends have become a mix of fact and fiction. Most vampires cannot go into the sun. The sun weakens me, but does not kill me. That is because I am what is known as a scion. When I was turned my first taste of blood was that of a pureblood which turned me into what I am. It makes me stronger and I will live longer than normal vampires."

"Akashi is the one that turned you?"

"Yes. He is our clan leader and our maker."

"The sun doesn't affect him either?"

"No. he is a pureblood, born from a human and vampire and the strongest of us all."


I could feel his eyes on me as I was absorbing all the information. Underneath my hand I could still feel his heartbeat.

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