Chapter 14

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The years flew by and Kise adapted and learnt about his new life quickly. His beauty and grace had only increased with his immortality and he continued to dance, becoming sought after by many. He stopped painting and instead became a model for artists. He joined me on hunts, quickly becoming an expert at fighting and our names were spread through the vampire and hunter ranks as some of the best fighters. We spent all our time beside one another, our nights were spread out with the rest of our clan and our work, the days were simply for us. I thought these peaceful times would last forever, I was wrong.

I walked into the room to see Kise lying on the couch, his eyes closed as he rested. The curtains were drawn and only a small sliver of the setting sun lit up the room. He must be exhausted. He had spent time outside in the midday sun for a modelling job. I move silently and sat on the edge of the couch, brushing his blonde locks out of his face. He mumbled and rolled over, grasping my hand and holding it to his chest.

"Good evening sleepy head."

He opened his eyes and ran his own hand through my hair and I unconsciously leant into it, enjoying the feeling.

"Fifty years on and you still give me butterflies."

I leant down to capture his lips and he kissed me back, linking his arms around my neck and pulling me down on the couch beside him. He moved to my neck and I sighed as his fangs pierced my skin and waves of heat rushed through my body.

"You're still tired. How as the shoot?"

He looked up, licking his lips and shrugged.

"I didn't enjoy the sun but apart from that it went smooth. It still feels weird pretending to be my own grandchild."

"It's what we have to do. Imagine the uproar if Ryota Kise never aged after all this time."

He waved my words away and I helped him to his feet.

"Do we have the clan meeting?"

"Yes, at sunset."

He stretched and I couldn't help but admire his body as his muscles bulged under his clothes.

"Well I still have time for a bath. Care to join me?"

I gave an animalistic growl and picked him up, crashing our lips together as his began to unbutton my shirt as I made our way to the bathroom.

"How nice of you to join us."

Midorima drawled from his seat in the corner as Takao sitting next to him covered a smile. Kise flushed at the words and flipped his collar up in an attempt to cover the marks on his neck I had left.

"Hey, I have decades of dealing with you four love birds, now it's your turn."

Murasakibara continued to munch on sweets with Himuro sitting in his lap, the two of them lost in each other as Midorima and I glared at each other. The door opened and we turned to see Akashi walk in with Momoi by his side. She pranced over to us and sat down beside Kise, glancing at his neck and then raising an eye brow as she looked at me. I simply shrugged my shoulders, not at all embarrassed as Kise slumped further into his chair, his cheeks flushed. Akashi took his seat and looked over us all, his eyes serious.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me, I know some of you have been busy."

His eyes settled on Kise and he sat up straight.

"Aww come on Akashicchi, not you too!"

A rumbled of laughter echoed through the room as our clan leader smiled but a moment later it was gone and his face was serious.

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