Chapter 23

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Kasamatsu's Pov

For a long time all I knew was the fire of pain as my body changed. My blood boiled and my bones screamed as everything that made me the human Yukio Kasamatsu was changed. Through it all I couldn't move or make a sound. Not even when Hayakawa dragged my body off, weeping and raging at the world. I couldn't make my mouth move to say it was okay. I was placed caringly into a pit in the back yard and then they left, drawn by yelling from inside. After that I couldn't follow what went on in the world as pain became my everything.

I don't know how long it took but one moment I was burning the next everything was peaceful. I opened my eyes and was stunned at how clear everything looked. I was in some pitch black room but my eyes pierced the darkness and I could see as easy as if it was midday. I inhaled and my senses were assailed with so many smells that I was taken back for a moment. Ash and smoke clogged my throat and nose and nearby I could hear people talking in hushed voices. There was something in my hand. I pulled it up to my face and saw it was a note, hastily scribbled on a napkin.

Kise told me to move your body out of the sun. You are under the floor in the nearby building. When you awaken, wait until night and then go. Good luck.

That's right. No more sunlight. It would kill me. Taking another breath that I didn't need I slowly slipped the plank above me up and peeked. Moonlight streamed into the house and I scrambled out. I wasn't used to the body and I fetched up hard against the window frame. The talking below me stopped as I saw two hooded figures looking around, trying to pin point the thump they had heard. I gasped as I saw the ruins of the huge building I had been imprisoned in. It had been burned down. I could smell, under the ash the scent of charred flesh and prayed for those that had been left behind.

"That bastard, we almost had him!"

"So he burnt this place down with people still inside. Those poor souls."

Despite the distance between us I could hear the two men as clearly as if they stood right next to me. I truly was a changed. They were hunters. The thought jumped into my mind as I saw the swords on their backs. It looked like they were no friends of Haizaki but it also didn't mean they were my allies.

"I guess we go back and tell them it's another dead end. It's a shame to see the once proud Aomine reduced to what he is."

The name caught my attention and I pressed closer against the glass, wanting to see and hear more.

"He has lost his bond mate. You have seen what that does to lesser vampires. The fact that he is still fighting on is proof of his strength. He is still proud and worthy of the hunter name."

The glass broke beneath me and I tumbled out of the building with a cry of surprise. My body acted on its own and I landed on my feet, the glass raining down around me. I got a small cut and watched as it healed before my very eyes. The sound of rasping steel caught my attention as the two hunters drew their swords. I held up my hands in surrender and dropped to my knees.

"Please I have news about Kise! Take me to Akashi and Aomine, please!"

They hesitated as they eyed me, unsure if I was a spy or genuine. I felt a small tug on my heart and it was if a string trailed from me and off into the darkness. I pointed in the direction.

"Aomine is that way, isn't he?"

Their shocked faces proved I was right and I smiled, getting to my feet.

"I am a freshly turned vampire. Kise turned me when I was dying. I have been imprisoned with him for the past few years and I know where we might be able to find him, and Haizaki."

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