5 Party

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Claw spent the rest of the day working and daydreaming about Bran,  but her thoughts were distracted from tan skin brown eyes to pale skin and brown eyes. She rode the bus home every body stared at her but no paper air planes hit her at least and she could be left alone in peace and saluted and hug her cotton navy blue and white purse  she puts her hood up and closed her eyes....the bus pulled over at her driveway.."Claw your home!"  Jan said from the back ,  Claw nodded and walked out of the bus to her house, strange she never talks to me...Claw thought as she entered her home, "I'm Home!!" She said plopping her back pack torrid the side, "honey, dinners cooking it'll be ready soon then desert" her mom said appearing in the door way "home work?"  "No....." Her mom raised her eye brows "book Report...I go and.....study.." She bought her pack up stairs to her home dragging her feet up every stair she shut her door and turned on her radio to pop music she took out her books and papers and pink fluffy pen she wrapped her self up in her  warmest softest blanket and puts on her comfy socks and blue slippers, after she was done working she shut off her radio and plugged in her ear phones and decide to lesion to music and  text Kelly..

Im coming over Claw


Because there's a party and  how about a sleep over after ward ...

No it's a school night and I'm not in the mood for a party...

Kay maybe not a sleep over but come on let's party .....BRAN will be there

    .....Fine what time .....

8.00 I'll come to pick you up and ask yo mom



🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄I said Ill Try ....

SURE (TRY)....😋

What ever .....besty....😜

Be there soon!!!

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