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Kelly's prov: Kelly walked down the hall waiting by her locker for Sally to come...She still wasn't talking to Claw...not like it bothers Claw...she has a boyfriend and is friends with Lulu...I knew it...Kelly thought to herself...Claw would fall for Lulu...and Lulu was jealous of Claw and Sally, so basically Lulu thinks she's manipulation is pretty good, but she dint know Kelly was manipulating her.hehe. And Kelly's plan was turning out perfectly...it was to make Lulu think she was getting away with braking there friendship and making Sally furious. This was for Claw even thew she'll probably hate her for ever.

Sally walked up to Kelly looking like her usual grumpy self.." Hi bestie " Kelly said trying to sound cheerful even thew  felt like shiz physicality and emotionally. "Go away,goodie two shoes". Sally grumbled .stoping at her locker "come on we have to at least try to look like BFFS, or your reputation will be ruined." Sally snapped her head up making Kelly jump. Sally plastered on a huge fake smile " BFFS Yay!!!!"" " not" Sally said then snapped her locker open.hmmm first time I ever seen her smile, and she's being sarcastic. Kelly peeked at the inside of her locker Sally shut it fast but not fast enough for Kelly. "Ohhhh I dint know you loved unicorns,Sally" Kelly said excitedly.
"Never. Ever. Mention.It. Again .Ever." Sally said dangerously.  "Okay okay.oh by the way since I'm gonna be your hero and save your reputation, you have to ditch the idea of revenge on Claw" Sally snorted. "Sally its ether that or your reputation-" "I know I know. Okay I just wanted to get revenge but not to minor..." "What's wrong with you..." Kelly asks irrationally "may be I don't like my boyfriends being stolen-" "and maybe you should forgive" Kelly said back smartly. Sally shudders making barfing noises " come on it ain't that bad" Kelly said rolling her eyes.   Suddenly they ran into Claw Bran and Lulu. Claw looked shocked and betrayed, as her eyes flickered from Sally to Kelly. "Kelly..are you friends with her?" Claw said pointing at Sally with pure disgust. "Yeah so?" Kelly asked defending Sally. "She's crazy are you plotting revenge against me now? Is there a whole pack called Sally's revenge I know should about?!" Claw said clearly raging. " gee thanks guys, I appreciate it" Sally said sarcastically. Claw narrowed her eyes on Sally " you...shut up your trying to plot to against me. Making my own friend betray me....what is it? Are you jealous? It's bad enough you ditched me!!!! What's wrong with you!!" Claw shrieked. Sally's eyes were like burning black coals smoldering with heat. She bit her lip back. Fighting the urge to say a badass comeback. She must really care about her rep to to not defined her self...Kelly thought or she actually cares....

Claw looked away as if shunning Kelly...Lulu stared at them smirking but quickly changed to give Claw a look of sympathy.
So phony. Kelly wanted to yell out to Claw that  she dint betray her that Sally was really helping not Lulu that she was the bad guy not them...instead she said forcing the poisoning words out.

"I'm just so tired of you, you've been a jerk lately and your boring Sally's better and more popular so..."

Claw looked like she just been stabbed her eyes start to water but she angrily blinked them back now she looked really pissed.

"You know what I never liked you I was pretending to be your friend the whole  time. You suck your stupid, I was just using you, now Lulus my best friend, so suck it!" Claw

stabbed her with a list of insults but she held back. The only One using and pretending here Is Lulu. She thought. Claw looked away walking into class.

Kelly just stood there struck by what just happened. "Well that was friendly" Sally said breaking the silence.  " I can't believe I'm getting called names all for my Rep." Sally said as she started to walk to class." It's also kind of funny how I'm helping you guys when I'm supposed to be plotting revenge.." " guess that's life..." Kelly said back sadly. " tell me about..." Sally sighed in the same tone. " thanks for putting up getting yelled at controlling your rage."  Kelly said looking torrid Sally. "No problem " Sally said smiling sadly.


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