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Lulus pov

So it's the night of the dance, and I'm getting ready.

I try on my pink tight dress, but its to tight showing off every angle of your body and I don't want to do that. So I decide on my silky shiny black and white mid length checkered dress. I tie my matching bowing in my  auburn hair course  I dyed it. I decided on a high ponytail.

I applied grey sparkly on eyeshadow, fuchsia lipstick. And blush. My heels are black and white striped pumps with red heels. As I check in the mirror one last time I hear the door bell ring. I walk down my stares, smooth my dress before opening the door.

Bran was standing there in a blue flannel shirt and jeans. He smiled at me before kissing my cheek. I blushed a red as the roses he gave me.

"Your blushing" Bran said in my ear as we sat in the back seat of my moms car.

"Really?" I say my face turning hot.

"Yes you are....it's cute."

"So are you" I say back leaning forward kissing him on the cheek, this time he blushed bright red.

We arrived at the schools back door. I heard music playing in the back ground.

I linked my arms to his as we walked in the dimmed lights.


Claw digs in her closet looking for the perfect dress, but she can't decide.
"Oh great" Claw wined as she pulled out a purple dress that she was going to wear. But was all dirty.her cat Coco meowed at her when she flopped on to the floor. Coco walked up to her and licked Claws nose. Claw picked Coco up and walked toward her closet.

"Hmmm what should I wear Coco." Coco meowed again and jumped down to the floor toward the closet. Meow. "What Coco" Claw asked as she went into her closet. Coco was looking at Claw with her paw on a flowy  pale blue dress. "Oh I forgot I had that in there. Thanks Coco" Claw said petting the cats back. Claw went and changed into her pale blue dress.

She looked in the mirror as she fixed her hair. The dress was strapless and mid length with diamond rhinestone across the front in the shape of leaves.  Claw curled her hair and applied pale pink lipstick and blush. "Kay I guess I'm ready" said to her self.

As she walked down stares the door bell rang, she quickly opened it smiling."hi"

Robert was leaned against the door way holding red roses in his arms. "You look beautiful tonight. As always." He said as he hand the roses to her. Claw held them to her face "thank you.i love these....you look hot tonight as well" Claw said wiggling her eye brows. Robert blushed. "Umm thanks wasn't expecting that..." Claw laughed as she linked her arms to his, kissing his lips gently. "Were you expecting that?" Claw whispers in his ear. "You are full of surprises" he said picking her up caring her to the car.

The lights in the dance are dimmed as little color disco lights dance across the walls and floor.Claw quickly spotted Lulu. "hey Lulu!" Claw called across the dance floor. Lulu quickly looked Claws way and smiled, Claw ran up to her giving her a hug. "Like your dress!" Claw said looking at her checked theme. "Thanks love yours to." Lulu gushed smiling.

"Hey there's Kelly!" Claw shrieked looking over Lulus shoulder.Lulu spun around gesturing Kelly over. Kelly shyly looked around before walking over to them.

"Ohmygod Kelly is that you!" Claw shrieked excited as she looked Kelly over.
She was wearing a maroon mid length dress the had a velvet bow in the front she wore matching velvet heels and red lipstick. Her long blonde hair was down, wispy around her face. All straight and shiny. "Yup it's me" Kelly said smiling casually.

"Wow I've never ever seen you with your hair down!" Lulu said looking her over.

"Who are you here with?" Claw asked tucking her  hair behind her ear.

"Oh this hot guy I met yesterday....here he is!" Kelly said as a tall tan guy with dark curly hair and hazel eyes walked up to her pulling her close. "Think I'm hot?" He asked smiling mischievously. "In your dreams" Kelly said teasingly, rolling her eyes. They walked away into the crowd.

Robert and Bran joined them, a moment later Kelly did. "Are you guys dating?"Kelly asked Lulu and Bran, who had their arm draped over each other. Lulu rolled her eyes as she pulled Bran to her, their lips crash together, Bran pulls her closer to him. "Awww" they all said Claw smiled.

Robert walked up to Bran patting him on the shoulder "Congratulations. You got a cool girlfriend." He said. "Hey!" Claw exclaimed teasingly as she grabbed his shoulder spun him around to face her before crashing her lips to his. "Did I mention your an amazing girlfriend " he said pressing his forehead to hers as he held her hips. "You just did" Claw said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Sally!" Kelly called, Sally spun around on her nude pumps, she was wearing a pretty pale blue tight dress. She ran her fingers frew her blonde bob."what." She asked rudely. Claw walked up to her giving her a big hug. Sally stiffed. Then every body joined for a group hug. "Hehe.....yeah ummm okay okay guys!" Sally said rasping. They all backed away from her. "Your a great friend Sally" Claw said warmly. Sally turned as red as her lipstick. "T-thanks" she said walking away. She turned her head around "you guys are weird." She said smiling before she walked off linking her arm around her date.

Robert slung his arm around Claw. Who smiled up at him.

"Oh what a cute couple!" A voice said in a nasty tone. They all spun around to see Tracey, her long red hair spread against her shoulders setting off the silky short black dress with tiny velvet buttons. She clicked her black leather heals which had a metal tip.

"Hey Roby." Tracey said pouting her red lips. "Hey Tracey" he mumbled back.
Tracey walked toward Claw stroking her cheek and tapping at Claws huge shiny diamond earrings with her long black painted nail. Claw grabbed her wrist jabbing her own black finger nails in to Tracey's skin. Tracey pulled back, narrowing her eyes in to slits. "Nice shoes" Tracey said starting down at Claws feet. Claw looked down at her matching pale blue shoes that went with her dress. "Thanks" Claw said causally, Tracey turned to face Robert. "Well I guess I should go.....bye Robby." She said flashing a sweet smile. "Bye...Trace..." He said using her old nickname.

Tracey walked away as Robert stared after her.

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