24business and love

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"What business?" Claw asked gripping Roberts arm tightly.

"A truce"
"Say whaat?" Kelly said making a confused face.

"You heard me" Lulu said smiling smugly. Folding her arms.

"I don't trust you....little lire..." Sally said stepping closer to Lulu.

"Funny...that's just what little Kelly said...."

"Shut up! You hateful  little hag!" Kelly snapped causing lulu to flinch back.

"Oh so cute....is some one a big girl now...."

Kelly's face turned red with rage as she flared her nostrils.

"Accepted " Claw said quickly. Before a fight broke out.

It worked because Kelly's face changed back to her normal self. To a confused look.

"Wait whaaaaat?" She asked.

"Amazing. Your smart...." Lulu stared to gush but Sally cut her off.

"I still don't trust you....but peace is better right....or your ass would definitely be whipped right now....by me....hehe.....any way if you brake your promise, welllll lets just say, bye bye to your deepest secrets....deal?"

Lulu gave Sally the look of death. "Deal" she said. Her voice like poison dripping from her tung. Holy....

"Yay our first negotiation!" Kelly cheered. Sally gave her a skeptical look.

"Let's go home." Claw whispered in Roberts ear. He nodded pulling her closer to him.
She looked back giving Bran a worrying look. Lulu kneeled beside him. Shooting Claw a 'back off ' look okay....

Brans pov.

Every thing went black. Then I felt water splash my face...I open my eyes to lulu towering over me holding her empty water bottle. Smiling smugly.

"You failed me...." She said looking at me with huge disappointment. I sat up...but quickly fell back down...half because I'm dizzy...half because the heavy wait of her words. Her disappointment knocking me to the ground.

"Wait what happened?"

"Robert kicked your ass...and now I had to make truce...or....never mind.."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Here's another thing to be sorry for....I'm braking up with you."

"Wait what?!" I say. My heart racing in my chest. I've never felt this way about a girl before....why now? I've never cared...not really. I just used them...broke up with them...thought I loved Claw...but now Lulus braking up with me....do I love her?

"You can't" I say still in denial.

"I can and I will" Lulu said back coldly.

I get up and walk toward her, she's so beautiful with those big brown eyes and reddish hair. "I will not fail you again" I say my heart slowly braking at every word.
"How can I trust you? Your an idiot."

"Lulu.....please."I say out of desperation, even though I know.....she's made up her...mind. I still want to hear what I want to hear.coming from herself. Maybe I was just imagining that she said that....maybe we'll be happy together forever.

"I've never loved you,anyway" she says to me, even though she sounds like she's telling her self this. My nerves flare up. I go dizzy, staggering against a tree for balance. "Really?" I ask, not wanting to meet her gaze. "Really, This was all just business. For revenge against Claw, and for you to get payback against Robert. That's all it was..." Lulu says. She must a been expecting this to happen. Her voice sounds like she recited this heart braking speech. "Yeah, yeah. I guess your right." I say forcing a grim smile.

She smiles back sadly "of course, I'm all ways right." She says slowly pushing past me walking away from me. I watch as the rare beauty walks away from me.I miss her already.

Lulus pov.

Yeah that was bad. After I make my negotiation, Robert and Claw walked away together already looking like a happy couple, then Sally and Kelly follow. Claw looks back giving my Bran a worried look. I shoot her the 'back off ' look. I mean she already has a boy friend.... Plus it was her guy that knocked bran out any ways...and I'm sort of possessive.  I get up dig in my pack and pull out my water bottle pouring the contents all over his gorgeous face. He opens his huge beautiful brown eyes at me...I try not to fall in love. After I brake up with him....I can't believe I did that!

I all so don't know why....I felt do bad...after telling him off....I mean I did this before, I've never cared about guys, only used them for certain situations. So why do I care now? Why am I not my usually shallow self? What's wrong with me? Why!? Sigh...

"Ive never loved you ,any way." I say more telling my self then him.

He looks like he's going to fall over..his face turns pale. Sweat drips down his gorgeous forehead. Dripping down his brow."Really?" He asks weakly as he leans against a tree.

"Really." The rest of what I say is all recited. I've been expecting this...ever since I started falling for him....ever since I lade eyes on him...I've loved him....I'm braking up with him..but that don't mean my hearts not braking slowly....killing me....that dose not mean...I will  not be miserable forever...with out him. But that can never happen.

I'm all ways right. All ways.

All ways.

I push past him. Walking away. Walking away from my dreams.

My love.

My bran....

Yes I just said that....

Because for the first time I'm actually in love.

With a person I can't have.

A person I can't love.

All because.

It will never work out.

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