12 kelly prov

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I do not trust her!!! Kelly thought to her self  she walked into her house raging she never rages. Her life was always happiness and rainbows and unicorns.and texting Claw....sigh why was Claw so naive to trust that sneaky snake Lulu...she's very cunning and Claws all like (Derp why are you so moody lighting up derpy. )  yup. Oh well. She thought as she stumbled in to neon green room, it was not as posh as Lulu,s room or as nice as Claws but she felt comfortable. It was dark so she stumbled around a lot because she kept her curtains drawn, she can think better that why. The light gives her a head ach. And she's gonna be doing a lot of thinking now...yay me .she thought sarcastically. She wasn't being her normal self because . She dint trust lulu.She was also sort of jealous....to tell the truth...Lulu knew Claw longer dose not make her a better friend. But apparently Claws living in a fantasy that Lulu her and Sally are going to be best buddies, along with her new boyfriend of course....lovely...better then dancing with unicorns on rainbows....but that's not gonna happen....Kelly wasn't sure about Sally thew. I know she's on a big revenge trip and everyone's scared of her....but she's more open about it and don't pretend to like someone. Not like Lulu....dint Lulu try to steal Sally's crush....she said it herself....guess she forgot to be cunning bye bragging, yup that's Lulu, very shallow. At least Sally  has feelings enough to want to get revenge or rage. Kelly was almost gonna text Claw. She's been ignoring her long  enough.

She stopped and then decided to contact Sally.


I want to be your friend..

Ewwwww I dint hear anything....

Come on....I know your not that bad..and we both have something in common

To defeat Lulu

Lulu? Oh that idiot Lulu. What about her, you have a problem with her? Because I don't care, it just helps me...get my Revenge.

How about she's not helping you....she doing the opposite ....using us...and....you

How would you know

Because she told me hated you... She's probably jealous, think about it, she did steal your crush...

Not like I cared they deserved each other...

Still are you in for your reputation on the line.

Ugh fine bestie....barf...



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