14 Roberts prov.

22 1 0

Okay so I'm a knew kid, right...I moved from my favorite town and school were I had a lot of friends and a cute crush on this adorable girl I think she even liked me back, she did flirt with me a lot...then suddenly I'm moved to a different school and I'm the awkward new kid everyone looks at me funny and I put on the whole tough guy don't eff with me face, secretly if anyone tried I would be a total wimp. Sad I know....sigh. So I slowly walked to class not looking forward to biology, a minute before class would start I prepped myself to walk in and not care about the stares and exercise my face to a don't eff with me scowl, when a cute girl in a blonde sloppy  bun walks up to me ,funny...she looked like my old crush...Tracey.. I must be getting lucky on my first day...ill take that as a good luck sign.. " hey you the the knew kid right..." She said bluntly. Robert tried not to laugh at her bluntness " yeah I'm the knew kid" he said back snickering.
"Sorry what's your name?" "Call me Robert" he said wiggling his eye brows teasingly.
"Yeah Robert I'm not here to flirt with you, thew I'm here to ask you to flirt with my friend.Clawed but just call her Claw, she likes that nickname better, here's her contacts number don't forget to get her to add you on her contacts, if she don't do it your self...oh and I want a selfy of the two of you- " why" Robert asked his ears started hurting listening to her talking.but he heard every word...actually it reminded him of his old crush the way she talked on& on...

"You want to make friends knew kid? Here's your chance plus you can even possibly make a really good  girlfriend.how lucky can you get"

"I already have a girlfriend " I say smartly folding arms leaning back.

"Ummm you wish you had, but this is the real deal"

WTF how did she know, I'm I that loser looking.

"Not saying your a loser but I can tell when your dating or not, you don't seem to have that love struck look" she said simply

She's definitely reading my mind

"Fine" I say holding up my hands in surrender.
She smiled, it was so Beautiful. "Perfect " she saids satisfied she turned to walk a way till I stopped her. " what's your name, matchmaker" I ask

"Kelly, knew kid" she saids back blushing. 

Then Kelly walks away. I walk into class more confident. Till I hear some kids talking about a girl fighting on the bus and something about Jan and a girl who called her self the claw. They were showing a video, I cough the a glimpse of two hot girls fighting,one with Raven black hair who was the Claw. And another Jan who was a hot blonde. The Claw pushed Jan to the floor. I wanted the Claw to win, then the girl from the video suddenly walked into the room...god...she's more hotter In real life then on any video..we made eye contact and I blushed super red since my whole face was burning. She blushed cutely
The teacher told us were to sit...of course she was on her phone I looked over at her phone and saw on contacts Kelly. My heart pounded. She's the Claw , the girl I'm suppose to flirt with.... I talk to her but I don't think she likes me....that really sucks...I later find out....she likes some dude named Bran....I'm jealous....obviously. I'm also worried I've heard rumors how he is with girls....but Claw I'm in love and she'll never have Bran!

Okay yeah well that was stupid....she's dating Bran and it's probably pointless....she's clearly in love....with that pretty boy....yuck......I tried to warn her about him on a text...

WtF are you saying you like me....
No.of course not...
Yes of course I do!!!!!!!

She'll notice me and we will be happy and in love, don't worry she won't even miss pretty boy......in my dreams at least....i can still fantasize.....if I'm allowed

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