11 Sally Prov

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SALLY WAS RAGING right now..after she saw those posters her boyfriend Bran kissing that idiot Claude. She was in the locker room punching one  made of cheap metal. She dented it with her fists her knuckles were bleeding, like she cared. How the F**ck was she suppose to know that her Cheating boyfriend would..betray her.!!!!!  If I find Claw!!!!she thought balling her fist that made her knuckles weep more blood. She irritatingly ripped a piece of a paper towel raping it around her fists. She walked out of the locker room her heart felt like it been stabbed, she loved Bran, but apparently he couldn't handle the heat and decided to get sweet innocent Claw. Wrench! She'll now have to get revenge, that was her only defense, mostly every body knew not to mess with her, but some people just don't listen....and have to be reminded....sing. She thought shaking her head...that is why she left Claw...course she was weak and stupid...it was...boring. She turned around to a corner to see Bran, the hallway was deserted thank God...anger stared to pour out her pores when she saw him. "Sally,your knuckles...are you..Ok-" "Don't you' dare say any thing to me..." She said dangerously. Her heart on fire.." Sorry Sally..." " sorry don't cut it." She whispered. Grabbing his neck. She leaned over and breathed in his ear"I'll get revenge on your sweetheart....it's over..."  She kissed his lips, then bit down hard tell they were bleeding, she drew back licking the blood from her lips subduction like. She smiled then walked away to the girls bathroom. She looked at her self in the mirror, her blonde bob was wild and every were. So she sleeked it back so not a strand escapes and pulled it into a tiny pony tail. All the rage was gone, witch
left her with dangerous control.

She was on her way to her next class when she saw Claw and Bran making out. She fought the urge to make throw up noises, when Bran left Claw looked awe struck and blushing. She looked in love.. That could of been me. Sally thought bitterly to her self. She decide to text Claw, I might as well warn her...I'm that nice...
She thought laughing to her self. When Claw got out her phone she saw the look of horror cross her face when she saw it was Sally. Sally giggled to her self this was sooo funny. Claw took a shaking hand and clicked Sally's message.
Look up
Claw looked up to see the flaming fire in Sally's eyes , I must look pretty scary she thought to herself, because Claw froze in place almost dropping her phone, Sally almost wanted to help her,but that would not keep her cool. So she held back. Claw was her friend once.  So she had to fight her friendly instincts. After that she wrote

I told you stay away from him. Sally was so enjoying this, well not for her rage of course

Sally.....sorry.. Yeah sure boohoo.me to. No.


She wrote smiling darkly. Claw looked very pale. She stumbled back turned around and ran away never looking back.

Good Sally thought to herself smiling ignored the stabbing in her heart. She just simply stopped them.


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