Kalemia, Audrenia, and Jeff followed me to the cafe' quietly. There was some tension between the group as the air began to shift and the smell of smoke reached my nose. The air felt heavy as well, almost as if were way more moist then it should be. The humidity was intense, I tried my best not to have my earth powers go haywire as the uneasiness shot through my body.
I opened the door and held it for my friends and hope-to-be-new-ally. The cafe' was small yet welcoming. The walls were painted an eggshell color and trimmed with a light blue. The fans hung above the room on the pure white ceiling. There was a table for four in the corner and I lead my group over to it silently.
Jeff sat down beside Audrenia and nervously fidgeted with his pants pockets."Don't be so nervous, it makes Mayla edgy." Audrenia whispered quietly to Jeff. Jeff's eyes widened and glanced over at me. "Audrenia can you please not fill his head with nonsense. We want him to be on our side remember? Who knows what will happen if the Zodiac Signs get a hold of him. Liam will have a ball trying to lure me into his territory again." I seethed quietly as I explained. My eyes sparked with anger and resentment as I spoke.
Jeff glanced at me wearily. At that moment, I knew that I and to do this fast. I could already sense the uneasiness radiating off of him. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I though about what I should say next. A million things crossed my mind as I tried to decide what I should say next. Why is this a hard right now?

In the Eye of the Virgo
General FictionMy name is Mayla Rose and I am a Virgo. The Zodiac Signs are a group of people who are power hungry and will kill anything and anyone who will get into their way. My job is to reinforce the balance between the twelve signs and save the world from th...