I looked up at the clock as I held a sleeping Audrenia in my arms. It said that it was 10:18 p.m. So I decided to put Audrenia to bed. When she had the covers up to her chin I gently kissed her forehead and headed over to my room next to hers.
I climbed into with a book to read and pulled the covers over me. I got to chapter ten before my eyes got heavy. Setting the book down, I got up and turned out the lights. I got into my bed and silently drifted off to sleep.
My nightmares were terrifying and gruesome. The gory noises that my mind seemed to create was unreal but yet realistic. In most of them I had starred in, I was huddling in the corner as the Zodiac Signs came closer-brainwashing me with their powers.
Other times I was drowning in a river with vines intertwined with my limbs. But this one, this one was far worse. It had Audrenia in it, and the Zodiac Signs got a hold of her. They tortured her and brainwashed her until she became one of them.
Her screams were of her calling out to me, but I was too far away to hear them. After what seemed like eons of living in the nightmare, I woke to someone shaking me. "Wake up Mayla! Come on! We have to train!" Audrenia said trying to lift up the mattress from underneath me.
Her failed attempts made me finally wake up and laugh. Her face was turning red from concentration. Her eyes held determination in them and her mouth was twisted in a frown. Her hair was a rat's nest as she continuously tried to get me up out of bed. "Okay! Okay, fine! I'll get up. But you have to get out so that I can get ready!" I exclaimed lifting up the sheets off of my body.

In the Eye of the Virgo
Narrativa generaleMy name is Mayla Rose and I am a Virgo. The Zodiac Signs are a group of people who are power hungry and will kill anything and anyone who will get into their way. My job is to reinforce the balance between the twelve signs and save the world from th...