"Why didn't you tell me." I asked quietly as I looked into his green eyes. Liam shrugged innocently. "You know that it's against the rules. Plus, it would've ruined the fun of it." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged his hands off of me. He laughed and backed away before Audrenia trampled him when she entered the room."Mayla!" She screamed happily. I laughed as my niece threw her arms around my neck. Kalemia hugged me on edge came in, along with a nervous Jeff. "I missed you so much!" Kalemia cried as she held me tightly. I hugged her back. "I-um-uh. . . ." Jeff said as he tried to fight back a blush. I giggled lightly and punched him in the shoulder. "I missed you too big guy."
I heard someone clear their throat behind me and turned towards Liam. "Guys, I want you to meet Liam, my mate." I told them as I nervously looked at my friends' faces. Blank expressions hinted their surprise as Liam and I intertwined out fingers and waited anxiously for their answer. Audrenia broke the silence with an excited squeal as she jumped up and down and tackled Liam. Kalemia chuckled lightly as Jeff turned bright red.
I laughed airly as I watched an excited Audrenia drag a confused Liam out the door. Kalemia, Jeff, and I followed them as goofy grins covered our faces. Liam and I met up at the desk where you sign out. The woman looked up at us with a bored expression on her olive-toned face. "Has the patient been given permission to be discharged?" She asked in a monotone voice. Liam and I exchanged looks as we tried to remember what the doctor said the last time we had saw him. "Doctor Jordan gave us permission to leave two days ago, yes." Liam replied as the receptionist sighed and signed some papers. "Patient's name?" She asked in a bored tone. "Mayla Rose." I answered as the woman glared at me and wrote down my name in black ink.
"Sign down here and you are free to leave." She told us as she slid the paper towards me and handed me a pen to write with. "Thank you." I said as I quickly signed my name in cursive. Liam grinned at me as we held hands and walked towards our group of friends. When we made it towards them we walked out the doors and towards our cars, driving back home for the first time in weeks.
I went into Liam's truck and waited for him to get in. When he did his face was grim and serious. "I want you to live with me." He stated as he began to back up out of the parking lot. "Why? You know I can't just pack up and leave my own home. Who would take care of Audrenia?" I questioned as I crossed my arms against my chest. Liam's knuckles turned white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Mayla, I just found you. There is no way that I'm going to leave you now. You're coming with me." He demanded through gritted teeth. I shook my head and looked out the window.
"I can't." I whispered lowly as I turned my head towards him slightly. "Mayla, either you come with me or I will make you. Please do not make me do the latter." He seethed as he tried to calm down his anger. "What is this about anyway?" I demanded as I was becoming frustrated by his lack of explanation. "Is it too much to ask of you to live with me?" His voice rose in question. "It is if you don't explain to me why! You can't just go around demanding things of me! I am my own person! You can't just tell me what to do and not tell me why!" I reasoned as I glared at the side of his head angrily.
"I just don't want you to at hurt! You saw what happened the last time, you were put into the hospital! I'm your mate, I'm supposed to protect you!" He shouted as I was taken aback. "Liam, that wasn't your fault." I told him calmly. "It was though." He responded with guilt in his voice. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and turned back towards the window. "I'll move in with you, but I have to go pack and tell Audrenia." I whispered. Liam lifted his head and looked at me for a second before looking back at the road. "Okay." He answered as he let out a deep breath.

In the Eye of the Virgo
General FictionMy name is Mayla Rose and I am a Virgo. The Zodiac Signs are a group of people who are power hungry and will kill anything and anyone who will get into their way. My job is to reinforce the balance between the twelve signs and save the world from th...