Darkness. That's all I felt. It had been weeks since the doctors put the medicine in me. The affects didn't wear off like they were supposed to, instead, it's killing me. I was trapped inside my body, a living nightmare it was indeed. I could hear the tears and pleas of my friends and niece but I couldn't respond. My body felt too heavy, I was dying and I knew it. The doctors wouldn't have knocked me out if I wasn't.How I know that I'm dying is because when I lost control and had that panic attack, when the doctors injected that serum in me, I lost my sanity. I remember how my parents told me that once a sign loses their sanity, they lose their strength. Virgos, for instance, have a more fatal consequence. Our powers are controlled by our brains. We run on them 24/7. In other words, we're like machines. If we experience something traumatic, our brains shut down and our bodies can no longer function....But, their is only one thing in the world that could save a sign from dying...their soulmate.
I fought away the horrible thoughts inside of my head as I tried to break free. My body was numb, brain wild. There were voices in my head. The many Virgos before me, were trying to tell me something. I strained to hear the voices, but it was too painful.
Find the boy. They whispered. What boy? Who were they talking about? The boy will help heal you. Find him and all will be fine. He is powerful, yes. But it's the dangerous ones who you can't refuse. The voices whispered inside of me. My heart's steady beating went spastic as I was struggling to think of who 'the boy' was....Liam.

In the Eye of the Virgo
General FictionMy name is Mayla Rose and I am a Virgo. The Zodiac Signs are a group of people who are power hungry and will kill anything and anyone who will get into their way. My job is to reinforce the balance between the twelve signs and save the world from th...