I heard angry shouting from the kitchen and climbed the stairs. When I reached the room I saw Audrenia in tears as she was arguing with someone over the phone. "I'm not coming back! I'm staying with my Aunt Mayla for a while! Fine then! I hope you have a great time with Greta and Phillip while I'm gone!" I heard her shout.
I noticed how her tears came pouring down her face throughout the conversation. I felt my heart break as she hung up and sunk down to her knees. I heard her quiet sobs and sniffles and went over to comfort her.
"Shhh, it's okay. Everything's okay. You'll be fine, I'm here for you, it's okay." I murmured into her ears softly. She sniffled and wiped at her tears. I was engulfed in her hug as she shook violently. I placed a hand on her back and the other was rubbing up and down her mid-back. I felt her shudder and started to sing a song to her to help calm her down.
"Oh little playmate, why don't you come out and play with me,
and set your dollies free, climb up my apple tree,
slide down my rain barrel, and climb up my cellar door,
and we'll be jolly friends, forever more
oh little playmate, I can't come out and play with you,
my dolly's got the flu, boo hoo hoo oo,
ain't got no rain barrel ain't got no cellar door,
but we'll be jolly friends, forever more."
After a while she finally stopped crying and calmed down. She sniffled and looked up at me with red puffy eyes. I hugged her once more and helped her up so that she would go with me to make some green tea. "Thank you, Mayla, I really appreciate it." Audrenia said after a few minutes. I nodded and gave her a small knowing smile.

In the Eye of the Virgo
Fiction généraleMy name is Mayla Rose and I am a Virgo. The Zodiac Signs are a group of people who are power hungry and will kill anything and anyone who will get into their way. My job is to reinforce the balance between the twelve signs and save the world from th...