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Jace and I started walking to talk about our idea. I found one place to start looking, and we walked in. I stopped Jace and I when we walked through the door.

"What are we calling this?" I asked.

"Calling what?"

"This, the LGBT+ center"

"You haven't thought of this before?"

"I forgot, I was doing other stuff."

"Well, you better hurry and think of something."

"What about, LGBT youth for LGBT youth?"


"Well we're LGBT youth, and we're planning on helping others."

"I guess it's a possibility, but I would think of something as a backup."

"Ok, well let's go in for now." We walked up to the front desk.
"Hello, I talked on the phone to a Robert about a meeting." I talked the the lady at the desk.

"Sure, right down the hallway second door on the right."

"Thank you." I said, as we walked down the hallway.

I knocked on the door, and entered. I walked up to a desk, with a guy behind it.

"Hello, I'm Aria and this is Jace." I said, motioning to each of us. "And I assume you are Robert." I said, as he stood up behind the desk.

"Yes, I am." He said, as he shook our hands. "Please have a seat." He motioned to two chairs.

"Thank you." I said, as we sat down.

"So you have a business proposal?"

"Yes I do." I paused. "So, a big problem today is he amount of youth that is out on their own. We need someone to invest in our center to help the youth that has no one to turn to after family or whatever has kicked them out."

"I see, so you have a name for this center?"

"Right now we're playing around with the idea of LGBT youth for LGBT youth."

"I'm sorry, did you say LGBT?"

"Yes, I sent you a plan over an email, I thought you knew it was for the LGBT community."

"My assistant did not give me any email; and why would you help... them?"

"Well, we are them, and there are many of us that are homeless with only a small house to live in, and even that is too crowded; we need this."

"Well, maybe if you would just do the right thing, your parents wouldn't have kicked you out."

"You're saying we're doing the wrong thing?"

"Yes, it's completely wrong and gross, how old are you anyway, like sixteen? There's no way you're old enough to know that you're gay, or lesbian."

"I can't control it, so how can it be wrong? And there's more sexualities than two. I'm asexual."

"What is that?"

"I'm not sexually attracted to anyone."

"Maybe you just haven't met anyone."

"But how would I meet someone if I'm not attracted to them."

"You don't understand, we can't change the way we feel, even if we wanted to." Jace jumped in."

"Whatever, I'm not investing in something that is wrong. You can just let yourself out." he said, gesturing to the door.

"Ok, I'm sorry you're so narrow minded." I said, as Jace and I stood up and then walked out. We walked for a while in silence, until Jace finally broke the silence.

"There will be other opportunities."

"I know. They're all probably going to be just like that."

"We'll find someone who isn't like that." Jace assured me.

"I don't know, it bothers me that people don't get it. Why can't people get it that we can't choose this?"

"I don't know, but there will be someone that gets it, I'm sure."

"Thanks, there's a couple places I have scheduled for the next few days, maybe one or two of them would help."

"Maybe, but let's get home."

We walked for a while, not talking again until we got back home. I walked up to our room, and I could hear him following behind me. I sat down on my bed, and he followed and sat next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting, do you want to talk?"

"What about?" I asked, not sure what he wanted to talk about.

"Are you ok?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I be?"

"The whole squish thing and the fact that I'm gay."

"I don't need to date you, I just have strong feelings for you and I wish we were closer, but I don't need to rush that."

"Oh, sounds like you're all good then?"

"Yeah, peachy." I said, trying to sound assuring.

"What's wrong?"

"Honestly? I'm so glad you're my squish, I think you're nice and great, but I don't like having a squish most of the time. I don't know."

"What? Why?"

"You wouldn't really get it, but this is the first time I've had a squish and this is the first time I've felt these feelings."

"Ok." He said, a little confusion in his voice.

"The point is, if I have these feelings, then there's a possibility that I could have other feelings, that could be more than a squish. That scares me, I hate that little doubt that's always there that I'm not aromantic."

"Wow, it's really hard for you."

"Yeah, sometimes I hate being what I am, but other times I'm like the aro ace spokesperson."

"I'm sorry."

"But I can't change, I can't be in a relationship if I feel like it, and then be aromantic when I don't."

"I understand, I can't be straight when it's convenient."

"Yeah, and people don't get that."

"Yeah, it's getting late, so we should really go to bed. We can talk more tomorrow." He said, as he pulled me closer, and we were cuddling.

normally I wouldn't like that much touching, or being that close to someone, but I didn't mind with him. It was like I wanted to be close to him, and that worked for me. That night, I laid next to him, and I could barely sleep, but eventually I dozed off, with us cuddling.

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