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I would like to give a shout out to @Hyonaz before starting this chapter. She voted on this story, and left like 24 comments so far. Thank you very much. And last but not least, she also recently came out to her family! *Round of applause!* I think I can say that we are all proud of her! Even if it might not have gone so well, so give her your love :).
Also I would like to give a shoutout to LyricKrystal for also showing this book some love. Now, the next chapter...

We made our way to the LGBT center, where Sally was waiting for us. I was excited to get furniture in, because then we could all start living there. I could tell Jace was excited to. We walked into the building, and Sally was waiting for us.

"Hi." I said, and Sally turned around to see us.

"Hi, I've- what happened to you?" She asked, startled.

"Oh, my face." I said, hoping to forget about it. "I-"

"It doesn't matter." Jace said, noticing that I didn't want to think about it. "What have you been doing?"

"Oh, I was having them put the front desk in over there." She said, pointing to some people putting the desk together.

"That's exactly where I wanted it." I said.

"I thought so. They're putting it in over there, and I thought you two could put the couch and chairs in here." She explained.

"Sounds fine." Jace said.

"Some other workers and I can put beds into some rooms."

"Ok, Ari and I will get started here while you guys go and do that."

Jace and I got the couch off the truck that was outside, and took it into the front room. We placed it in front of the desk, facing away from it. Then we got each chair off the truck, and put them out in the front room as well.

When we were done, we decided to help put the beds in the bedrooms. there weren't that many beds, but it was a good start. With all the furniture placed, we were ready to start living there.

We finished up some last minute details, and went back home, to pack our things. We got Jupiter, River, Leo, and Lara so they could pack their stuff too.

"I'm so excited, but I think I'll miss this place a little."

"A little?"

"Yeah, it might just be a small, broken, old house, but it was home to me when my parents' house wasn't and you guys took me in."

"Technically you took me in."

"Yeah, but you kind of saved me. I don't know where I'd be, or what would've happened if you hadn't walked out of that room and sat with me."

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that in a while."

"It meant a lot to me, most people don't think mine is a real sexuality, and you were one of the first who thought differently."

"Wow, I didn't realize it mattered that much."

"It did. But we're still going to be together, we'll just be in a bigger house."

"Ok, are you packing? Or talking?" Jupiter asked, as she walked in.

"Both, actually I just finished."

"Me too." Jace followed, as he threw his last outfit into his bag.

"Ok, this is it." Jupiter said, as we walked out the front door and saw Kat, Leo, River, and Lara.

"Ready to go?" Kat asked when we got outside.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said, and the seven of us started walking down the street.

We walked to the front of our new home, and looked at it, about to start the next part of our lives.

"We all started on our own. We believed we were on our own, but we found each other, and we are not alone anymore. When we walk in, we will forever be together." I said, before we walked in.

"Well, let's go in then." Jupiter said, as we walked inside.

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