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"Ari.... Ari.... Ari." I heard, as someone walked up to me. "Ari." My name was said, once more, as they Moved me to face them and showed it was Jace. "what are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing." I answered simply.

"Why are you laying here?"

"Why not?"

"What are you talking about?" Jace said, as he grabbed my arm, and I screamed in pain. "What? What's wrong?" Jace asked. "Is it your arm?"

I nodded, to answer him, but I didn't feel like talking.

"Ok, I'm taking you to the hospital to get that looked at." He stated, as he picked me up.

"I can walk." I said, as he carried me.

"Can you? You look pretty drained."

"Yes, I can." I said, and he put me down.

We walked in silence, while we went to the hospital. We got inside and sat in the waiting room, for a nurse to come out. Eventually the waiting was over, and we were taken to an x-Ray machine.

They looked at my arm, and said my arm wasn't broken, but it was fractured, and I sprained the wrist. I got a small, temporary cast, and waited for a finishing check up.

"So, how exactly did this happen?" A doctor asked, as he walked in."


"I fell." I said, interrupting Jace.

"That's it? Did you do that to your face by falling too?"

"Sure, yeah."

"Ok." He started, like he didn't exactly believe me. "Well, I guess you can go, just keep that cast on for a few weeks, and you should be good."

"Ok." I said, and stood up to leave.

Jace and I walked by the desk, and a lady stopped us.

"How would you like your bill?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, we can mail it to you, or we can take a card, or-"

"We don't really have money." I stated.

"Well, you need to pay for our service."

"Well, we're kind of homeless in a way, so we don't have money."

"We need payed though."

"Ok, well what did you do? You gave me a cast? Here, you can take it and we'll leave." I said, as I took off the cast and put it on her desk.

"Umm, you kind of need this, wouldn't you prefer to pay?"

"I can't pay, I don't have any money." I said, as we started walking out.

"Why did you do that?" Jace asked, in the parking lot.

"I can't afford it, what was I suppose to do?"

"I don't know, but why did you lie to the doctor?"

"Are you serious? Did you expect me to tell him that my dad beat me up, and I ran away and fell?"

"Why not?"

"A couple reasons. One, they would probably report my dad for child abuse, two we would go to court, three he would go to jail, four I would get put in a foster home, and five I wouldn't be able to finish the LGBT center, and I really don't need any of that right now."

"Oh, so you're just going to let him get away with that?"

"I let him get away with kicking me out, so why not?"


"I just don't care about the whole justice thing, I just want to take care of myself."

We walked with a little conversation here and there. Once we got home, I went straight to our room, and laid on my bed. while I was laying there, Jupiter walked in.

"Hey, how are you?"


"Ok." She started, as she walked over to my bed. "I was- what happened to you? Did you get hit by a bus?"


"Well, what did happen?"

"Jace and I ran into my parents today."

"And they did that to you?"

"My dad, yeah."

"There's dry blood all over your face."

"Look, I just want to sleep for now"




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