Chapter 3

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This situation is a mess and I'm in the middle of it.

How stupid of her that she wouldn't even think about it? Of course the ID chip would be implanted inside her. For a fleeting moment she felt guilty for bursting out, and wished it never happened. That was the most embarrassing moment for her, and even she could tell that from the looks on Eunwoo's face. He was half-smirking, knowing that he caught her off-guard. Feigning annoyance she slapped his hand away and crossed her arms.

"Right, I'm sorry. I was stupid, I get it."

His shoulders drooped, showing that he didn't plan on rubbing it in her face. Instead, he just continued to walk in the other direction. They're already late and he didn't want to think about the mess the others might do in his restaurant. He knew Haeun was following him attentively, but at a distance. Weaving in and out the crowd, he made sure he didn't walk too fast or Haeun might lose him. From a distance, he could see the signboard of his modest restaurant. The signboard was almost off its hooks, and he reminded himself to get it fixed. He could also see the youngest, Yoon Sanha, writing on the screen outside the restaurant for today's special menu.

When the youngest spotted him, Sanha waved at him while pointing eagerly at the screen. "I'm doing my job properly, hyung!" he shouted from afar. Another one of his friends, Moon Bin emerged from the restaurant and hit the back of Sanha's head.

He hadn't even arrived at his restaurant yet they're already making him smile from their antics. He made his way to the restaurant and saw that they're already preparing to open up the restaurant. He looked back and saw that Haeun was still watching from a safe distance. She didn't think it would be wise for her to follow him into the restaurant, yet. She was still lingering in front of the restaurant, thinking whether it would be polite to just burst in there.

Eunwoo let her be, and he took in the situation in front of him. Everything seemed organized, the kitchen looked clean, even though the wall was slightly charred, thanks to the accident by MJ. He looked around for any signs of broken dishes but they did a great job in putting everything away before he could comment on them. "Hyung, I did a great job in cleaning everything up, so don't worry," Sanha appeared beside him, patting his shoulder.

"The cash register is also in good condition," Jin Jin, the cashier, put a thumbs-up. "Right, Rocky and MJ hyung went out to buy some ingredients, but they will be back soon. As for the kitchen..."

"We put the fire out in seconds, so there's nothing for you to worry, either," Moon Bin appeared, already putting on an apron. All of them were wearing uniforms, except for Eunwoo. They were wearing collared white shirts with black pants, much like a suit.

"I don't know what to do with you guys, but I don't know what to do without you guys, either."

"So you have no choice but to bear with us," Jin Jin joked.

"I'll go and change-" he stopped midway when he realized he forgot something. The rest of them looked at him, wondering why he stopped. "I forgot to tell all of you about something. We're going to have a new worker."

"I thought we already have enough staff?" Sanha asked.

"Well, she's a special case."

"It's a she?" Moon Bin raised his eyebrows. Sanha and Jin Jin looked at each other with enquiring looks. "But I thought we never had a female worker," Moon Bin pointed out.

Eunwoo rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'm very much aware of that, Moon Bin. Just be good to her, because she's my... special friend." He beckoned towards Haeun who was watching them through the door. The rest of them didn't even notice she was looking at them the whole time. Hesitantly, she pressed the button beside the door to let her in, and a bell indicated that the door was open. As she stepped in, with a woosh, the door closed behind her. She had her head down, afraid to even look up.

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