Chapter 46

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"Thank you for everything. Without you we would not find my sister," Taehyung stood beside the stretcher, where Jinah was lying down while waiting to be transported to the hospital. Luckily, her injuries weren't that severe, but she was pale from all the shock she experienced.

"You shouldn't thank me." She turned her head to the left, avoiding eye contact with Taehyung. "I controlled your sister and I admit that wasn't right. I almost killed her. You have all the rights to hate me. You should."

"Don't say that. I understand your situation of wanting to attract people's attention. You had no choice but to do it again when nobody came to help you. It was unfortunate that my sister got caught before we managed to get to you."

She gave off a weak nod, and she was pushed into the back of the ambulance. As no one was around to follow her, Areum volunteered herself to be beside her. The ambulance sped off, leaving police cars and vans ferrying Lee Jinhong and his lackeys. They did little to resist, so it was a smooth task and soon, they left too.

"Kim Taehee?" Taehyung asked, looking at Moon Bin.

Moon Bin pouted his lips towards one direction and as Taehyung followed, he saw his sister sitting on the floor against the brick wall. There were bruises and cuts on her legs, arms and face. He sighed before making his way to his sister. "Kim Taehee," he said and received a stare from his sister. "Let's go to the hospital." Taehee obeyed, and she let herself be carried by her brother on his back. They walked to the van with her clutching to him for dear life, and the rest followed silently.

Cha Eunwoo followed without a word from behind, unsure on how he's going to initiate any conversation with the girl he used to know as Choi Haeun, whose real name turned out to be Kim Taehee. He trained his eyes to the ground, shoving his hands into his pockets, planning out a scenario so that he would be able to talk to her as comfortably as he wanted. But he doubted it would happen.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you faster, my sister."

"But you guys saved me anyway, so stop saying sorry. It hurts my ears to hear you saying sorry all the time. I'm sick and tired of hearing the word 'sorry'. Maybe you can say things like, 'I bought you ddeokbokki.' or something like that instead. That would be better for me," she said playfully.

"Yah, are you hungry?" Taehyung pinched his sister's leg.

"Ouch! Yah, that hurts!" She reached to rub the pain away, but her doing that almost caused her to fall and Taehyung to lose balance.

"Yah, you idiot, just stay still. At this rate both of us are going to get hurt."

From afar, Moon Bin, Sanha, Jin Jin and Eunwoo smiled at the siblings' banter.

"It's nice to see them happy again," Sanha said. "I hope everything is going to be well for them. Ah, Eunwoo hyung. How did you know Taehee noona was in room number 197? There were a lot of rooms and we found her straight away. We took time to find the room, but she was definitely there when we finally found it. There's no way it's a lucky guess, right?"

Eunwoo nodded slightly. "Well, you could say that it was partly a lucky guess. In the riddle Jinah told us about Au, which stands for aurum, or gold, right? The mass number for gold is 197. It suddenly came to me at that time, and I didn't expect it to be correct, though I did hope it was."

"Oh, hyung! You're a genius!" Sanha clapped his hands.

Jin Jin agreed and added, "And... Eunwoo..." He looked at the restaurant owner. "Are you letting her go?"

Eunwoo was flustered at this question and he felt his cheeks turning red. "What do you mean?"

"Ay, hyung. We all know what's going on between you and Taehee noona. You lost your memory so we thought it's all over, but since you got your memory back..." Sanha nudged him. "You can start all over again."

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