Chapter 50 [FINAL]

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3 years later

"I don't know what to do!" Taehyung frantically shouted into his commander.

"Call the ambulance you idiot!" Taehee shouted back on the other line.

"She said it hurts!"

"Then I told you to call the ambulance, not me! Or drive her to the hospital instead!"

Taehyung ended the call in an instant and he looked to see Areum with sweat decorating her face. She was holding her swollen tummy and supporting herself against the wall. She still looks beautiful, he thought.

"Aish!" Taehyung scratched his head and helped her to walk to the car. "Honey, just hold on for a while, okay? It's going to take around 3 minutes to arrive at the hospital. Just- just- you know- keep- everything intact before we get to the hospital." Areum almost laughed at his husband's franticness, but she suppressed it with the extreme abdominal pain she's currently experiencing.

The baby's coming, she thought.

Taehyung stepped on the pedal and broke the rules to the speed limit, but that was the least of his worries. Now, he was just focusing on getting to the hospital before everything broke loose. His car came to a stop in front of the emergency area and calling for help, he exclaimed that his baby was on the way. Hospital staff immediately heaved Areum on the stretcher and wheeled her inside. He was left outside of the labour room, pacing back and forth, worried for both his wife and the baby. Every second felt too long.

After a few minutes, his sister and Eunwoo arrived. Moon Bin arrived shortly after that, with his face bloodied but no one bothered to ask. Obviously, he was in a fight. Right now, everyone was just worried about Areum and the baby.

"Everything is going to be okay, right?" Taehyung asked his sister.

"Don't worry, oppa. She is a strong woman. She and the baby are going to be okay," she assured him.

Their heads instantly turned towards the doctor who just got out of the labour room, unmasking himself. The smile behind the mask assured them that everything went well. Taehyung heaved a sigh of relief as the doctor announced, "Congratulations, it's a baby boy."

They cheered and Eunwoo gave a pat on his back. "Congratulations, you're a father now."

They visited Areum's room and she was beaming, with the baby in her arms. Taehee excitedly went over to the baby, letting the baby grasp her finger in his little hands. "He's so cute."

"Have you decided a name for the baby?"

Taehyung scratched his head, "We were too busy we didn't really get to think about it."

"I want to name him Minhyuk," Areum spoke up.

The room went quiet, they didn't know to react. Even after three years it was still a sensitive topic, they still had to be careful around it. It was Rocky's real name- Park Minhyuk.

"I like it. Kim Minhyuk. Our little Minhyuk. So that Rocky will always be with us," Taehyung decided. He looked around the room, and each of their faces slowly broke into smiles.

"Yes. So we will never forget him. Right, little one? You're name after one of the nicest and bravest man, do you know that?" Taehee picked up and the baby snuggled in her arms. She beamed.

Eunwoo excused himself from the room and he quietly went to the rooftop alone. He needed to breathe in the air as his mind traveled to the incident three years ago. Forget about it, he had said to Taehee. But he was the one who couldn't forget. He still kept the letter in his possession, and even though he never told anyone, he still read it occasionally. He was scared he would not remember what Rocky did for him. No, he would never forget.

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