Chapter 29

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Sanha waved to the little kid before he ran off with his parents, and as soon as he went out, Sanha motioned for Jin Jin to close the door, as a sign that they're done for the day. It was dark outside, but it wasn't raining. This morning it was such a bright day, but as time crept up the skies got darker and darker. Sanha didn't make out anything of it, instead he was just thinking on how he's going to go back home since he forgot to bring an umbrella.

"Hyung, did you bring an umbrella?" He looked at Jin Jin, who was wiping the tables at the far end of the restaurant. When Jin Jin only shook his head, he turned to Areum, who was arranging the menus at their respective places. "Areum noona, do you happen to have any extra umbrella?"

"Sorry, I only have one," she smiled an apologetic smile.

"Isn't Taehyung going to pick you up? So you're not going to use it, right?" Jin Jin moved over to the center, standing beside Sanha who was much taller than him. He might be younger, but still he was towering over him.

"Ah... Taehyung told me that he's not going to work for a while."

"Eh? Why?"

"He's..." Areum looked around the restaurant, just in case their boss decided to pop up at the main area. But he's nowhere in sight, as three of the cooks were busy cleaning in the kitchen. She relayed everything to Sanha and Jin Jin, who looked at each other. Jin Jin's eyes were looking everywhere, except at Areum. Sanha was fidgeting uneasily, playing with the button on the cuff of his shirt. Areum noticed the change in their behaviour and narrowed her eyes, "Are both of you hiding something?"

"No we're not!" Both of them answered in unison before both of them looked at each other in exasperation. "We're not!" And again, they said it at the same time.

"You guys do know that you're just acting suspicious?"

"Hyung, I think we need to go before it rains!"

Both of them walked quickly past her, all the way to the back room, slamming their locker doors in a hurry and took their belongings. They ran past her, not giving her any chance to say anything at them. They didn't even change out of their uniform, instead they just grabbed their bags and made a run for it. They shouted their goodbyes in a hurry before disappearing among the crowd of people going home.

"They're definitely hiding something," Areum bit her lip while crossing her arms.

"What's wrong with them?" Eunwoo wiped his hands on his apron before motioning towards the door. "It seems like they were really in a hurry."

"Ah, they want to make it home before it rains since they forgot to bring an umbrella."

"Oh? I have an extra one stashed somewhere in the back room. They didn't ask me, though."

"I think they're really in a hurry," she chuckled. Her laugh was short-lived when she noticed the wistful look on Eunwoo's face, and she quickly straightened up.

"How much of my memories did I lose?" Eunwoo enquired. "I feel like there's a huge chunk of it that I lost, and I know that you know what happened to me before."

"I don't think I have the rights to tell you. It's better if you let your memories come back with time-"

"And if my memories don't come back? And what if I don't have that much time?"

"What do you-"

"Noona, hyung, I'm going home now," Rocky interrupted their conversation. Eunwoo noticed that he was keeping his hands in his pockets, possibly holding something. Eunwoo's eyes traveled to his pockets, but he couldn't make out what he's gripping. Unconsciously, Eunwoo put a hand on his bandaged torso. He decided to let it slide and allowed him to go back home. When he's sure that Rocky was out of the restaurant, he faced Areum once again.

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