Chapter 30

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Eunwoo forced himself to stand up because he needed to reach for his commander to call someone. He barely managed to stand up and called the ambulance; a call that felt like the only glimmer of hope in this dire situation. As he heard the distant murmur of 'We'll be there soon' he dropped his commander, unable to stand up straight anymore. He was breathing completely through his mouth; there was simply wasn't enough oxygen for him as he kept on inhaling air with much difficulty. He practically crawled towards Rocky who was lying down on the floor, his lips almost blue and his eyes almost shut.

"Hyung..." he muttered, his right hand pressing on his chest. Eunwoo didn't say anything but scooted towards the younger's side while fighting back the pain in his head and torso. He was sure the stitches on his wound became undone as he saw his white shirt dyed with red. But that was the least of his worries now.

"Why... did you come back?" Eunwoo almost shouted at him, blaming himself that the younger one was the one lying down on the cold floor.

Rocky's bloodied hand reached for his pocket, and painfully he took out what seemed like a crumpled paper. While suppressing the pain in his head, Eunwoo recalled Rocky having his hands in his pocket when he was about to leave the restaurant; it seemed like he was planning to give the paper to him but decided not to. Now he came back to give the paper to Eunwoo, only to be met with an accident.

"What...?" Eunwoo wanted to ask about the paper but he noticed that Rocky's eyes were almost closed completely. "Rocky, please stay with me. Help is on the way," he said desperately, fear coursing through his body. "Help-"

"I wanted to get away from both of you, and maybe this is the best way to. I can't stand seeing you and Taehee noona being head over heels for each other in front of me, so I guess it's right for me to go away first." He used all his breath to utter the words. He was close to closing his eyes forever.


"Hyung, I... just wanted to give you this. Please don't say anything else because I don't want to have any regrets." He reached for Eunwoo's hand and shoved the paper into his palm. "I never thought I would die this way," Rocky joked, but was only replied with a frown from Eunwoo.

"I swear-" Eunwoo's whole body was shaking as his left hand gripped the paper and his right hand gripped Rocky's arm.

"I... wanted... to... say... this..." Blood was spilling without stopping, and Rocky could feel his energy draining as fast as his blood was. "It's... a... shame... that you're..." He coughed and winced. "The one... listening... to... this... but I have always... wanted to say... that I have loved Taehee noona... ever since... we're... young..." Rocky closed his eyes.

The door to the restaurant burst open, and medical officers rushed in. The deafening sound of the ambulance filled the streets, and curious onlookers crowded near the entrance, almost blocking it. They saw two men smeared with blood on the floor, one with his head hung low beside another lying on the floor. Medical officers attended to them, but Eunwoo refused to be separated from Rocky. After much coaxing from the medical officers, he was finally taken away.

He took one last look to the person who had been his colleague for two years.

Eunwoo couldn't stop the tears from falling as he saw Rocky's bloodied hand fell limply to his side, showing no signs of life.

The pain in his head was really unbearable now, and his body felt like it was stabbed multiple times.

He finally collapsed.


Sanha, Jin Jin and Areum sat on the floor outside the hospital ward, hugging their knees to their chests. Their faces were gloomy and no words were exchanged between them as their eyes followed the people; patients, doctors, nurses and androids passing in front of them. Sanha's face was blotchy; the youngest was the most affected as soon as he heard the tragic news. They rushed to the hospital as quickly as they could, knowing that they'd have to be ready to hear bad news again. Jin Jin looked up when he saw three familiar faces walking in their direction, with Taehee leading the trio. Her sense of urgency couldn't make her steps faster, as she was trying not to falter along the way to the ward.

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