Chapter 26

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Taehyung and Moon Bin were just about to leave the park when someone dashed towards them, making her way to the bridge. Moon Bin was about to complain when the person bumped into him, causing him to step backwards. He's about to open his mouth when in a short moment, he realized it was Taehyung's sister. "Kim-" Moon Bin started to say, but she paid no attention as she diverted her eyes to the bridge.

Please, please stop me. She meant to say, but she kept on running, barefooted.

"What on earth is she doing?!" Taehyung exclaimed, taking no second thoughts and proceeded to chase her. "Kim Taehee!" he shouted, but it's either she didn't hear him or she decided to ignore him. The perplexed detective followed suit, trailing behind him and stopped short when they saw her stop in front of the railing. Their hearts almost stopped as she climbed over the railing, shaking like a leaf.

"What is she-" Moon Bin was again cut short as Taehyung left his side, running across the field, making his way to the bridge. Just as he leaned over the railing, Taehee lost her footing. Thanks to her brother's reflexes, she hung by the edge while Taehyung held on to her wrist desperately.

"Kim Taehee, get your act together! What do you think you're doing?" With all the strength he could muster, he pulled up his only sister and helped her to regain her balance. Her face was pale and her breath was short; she seemed like she just finished a marathon- that might as well be the case. Her hair stuck to her face and her eyes were wide, staring straight at her brother.

Red, her eyes were red. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. It seemed as if the controller finally took their hands off her, but she still had that lingering feeling of being in a body that was controlled by someone else. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared, because she was. If someone had the liberty to gain access to her body and command her to do literally anything, then she was not safe at all.

She saw Moon Bin coming over, his face contorting with an unreadable expression. She fell to the ground, finally feeling that she was free. At least, for now. Taehyung knelt beside her, caressing her face with a worried look on his face. He wanted to talk, but no words left his mouth. A tear escaped, but she didn't know what it's for.

Anger, perhaps? Was he angry that his only sister decided to end things like this, giving up so easily?

It wasn't me.

Sadness? Was he sad that she thought her life was over just because Eunwoo couldn't remember her?

It wasn't me.

Was it pity? Did he pity her because he couldn't do anything when Cha Eunwoo lost his memories?

It wasn't me.

It was all she wanted to say, but she couldn't say it. Her lips parted slightly, but that was all she could do before fading into unconsciousness.


Taehyung sat at the edge of his bed, a basin on his lap as he wrung the towel and settled it down on Taehee's forehead. She was conscious, but she was too tired to say anything. She managed to force a smile before closing her eyes again, this time falling into a deep slumber while her chest rose up and down slowly. He looked away, the sight in front of him too painful to bear. He did not risk his life to save his sister, only to see her deciding to end it with a jump into the cold water.

He was frustrated as he couldn't do anything; he only managed to stay silent as he saw the confused look on Eunwoo's face. Did everything just come down to this? He chuckled almost maniacally, unable to believe that the events that all of them went through ended with such an anti-climatic one. He's glad that he was given the chance to see his sister's face again, but seeing her distressed was what he wasn't prepared for. Could they even have a happy ending?

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