Chapter 42

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As per procedure, they were thoroughly checked for anything on them. When they were pronounced clear of any suspicious items, they were led to the waiting area as they were told that Lee Jinhong was attending to another customer. Jin Jin found that his heartbeat was returning to normal, although he was still wary as he remembered his encounter with the loan sharks. This was a similar situation, and he didn't want to end up like how he did last time.

Acting normally, they sat down on the couch. While pretending they're simply waiting for their turn, their eyes scanned the vicinity carefully, trying to pinpoint anything that could tell the truth. Jin Jin and Areum weren't allowed to have contact with the others, as this might give their actual intention of coming there. Instead, they had to strip off their commanders and lose contact with the outside world. It's just the two of them against Lee Jinhong and his lackeys.

"Lee Jinah, go and prepare some drinks for our customers," one of the lackeys instructed her.

Areum's ears perked up at the mention of his daughter, and she stealthily nudged Jin Jin. He slightly nodded as he had the same idea as her. Two cups of piping hot tea were served on the table in front of them, and Jin Jin noted that Jinah's hand was slightly bruised. Areum stole a glance at her face and the young girl's lips had cuts at the corner. They made a mental note to report back to the others and waited for the tea to cool down.

Jin Jin was actually thirsty, he finished the tea in one go once it cooled down and set it back down. Areum was a different case; she sipped the tea bit by bit, while her eyes were still casually looking around for clues. Could Taehee be hidden here somewhere? Her fake ID chip was located here... but that means it's too obvious to be hiding her here. Her mind wandered at the same time her eyes wandered, but as she finished her last drop of tea she realized that something was stuck at the bottom of the cup... something that looked like a transparent sheet with something written on it.

She looked around, and noted that the lackeys weren't paying any attention to the 'couple' waiting for their turn. When Areum made sure that she was not being watched, she took out the sheet carefully and stuffed it in her jeans' pocket. She made sure again that no one was looking at her, and took a quick glance at Lee Jinah, who had her head down while probably doing her homework at the corner of the warehouse. Even her posture seemed pitiful.

She snapped out of her observation when she heard that they're allowed inside. On the way to the office, they looked around again for any signs on where they would hide Taehee, but it was just walls around them, no actual space for her to be stashed away. Their nervousness grew as they approached the boss' office, accepting the fact that they're going to finally be face to face with the feared criminal. The door was opened and they noted Lee Jinhong leaning against his chair.

"Ah, welcome, welcome. I heard you're a couple looking for an ID chip?"

Jin Jin's grip on Areum's hand grew tighter, a signal that they're ready to carry out the act. So they did, and the bravado ended with Areum sighing and quietly saying that they couldn't afford the price of the ID chip. Lee Jinhong knitted his fingers together and studied the couple in front of him. He narrowed his eyes before saying, "You're really just coming here for the ID chip?"

Jin Jin slowly gulped as he noticed the change in his tone. His heartbeat started increasing again but he answered calmly, "Of course, but we didn't have any rough idea on how the price would be, as nobody would tell us. We just found out about this place through word-of-mouth. They say we won't know until we actually go here. Well, I guess we didn't really expect the price." Areum realized that Jin Jin's hand were starting to get sweaty but she kept holding on to it, one to keep on the act and another as a way to calm him down.

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