Chapter 45

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As he announced that without any remorse shown on his face, Moon Bin took the first step and headed straight for the boss. Jinah was thrown to the side in all the commotion. Moon Bin did aim for the boss, but his punch landed on one of the lackey's torso instead, one who was playing hero trying to protect his own boss. Moon Bin saw a punch coming towards him, and he successfully avoided the blow. He ducked, swiped his leg on the floor, causing the guy to fall on his back. He turned to another guy, who was breathing heavily while trying to give him an uppercut. These guys were obviously only street fighters and they were not properly trained. Contrary to Moon Bin who was trained for this, they seemed to be losing momentum quickly.

Eunwoo and Taehyung were having a fair share of guys attacking them. They were mostly able to block and found it hard to offend. Taehyung reached out for a side kick to one lackey's face, and a soft crack was heard. He wasn't sure whether it was his leg or the guy's face, but the guy ended up falling to the floor, whimpering while holding his cheek. Eunwoo focused on giving punches whenever he had a chance, proving that he could fight. In all the commotion, Areum was trying to find Jinah while fighting off some of the guys.

The fight was going nowhere, with no one wanting to give up. Areum finally spotted Jinah, but realized that her father was charging at her. Her fear came to reality when he swiftly grabbed a broken glass and held his daughter, bringing the sharp edge to Jinah's neck.

"Stop it!" Areum's scream reverberated through the whole abandoned building and the fighting stopped. Everyone stood still, and all of them forgot that they were in a fight a few seconds ago as they were shocked with Jinhong's drastic act. Even his lackeys seemed to be surprised at him.

"He must be really losing it," Eunwoo said under his breath. "That-"

"Eunwoo," Taehyung grabbed his arm, scared that he might lunge forward. "Don't do anything rash. If he's startled he could hurt his daughter."

"All of you stay out of this," Jinhong said while pointing the sharp-edged glass towards his lackeys. "You intervene and I will do it." He pointed the glass back to his daughter to show his point. The lackeys instantly obeyed and gathered at one corner, looking on with nervous faces. Jinah had stopped sobbing, but pure terror registered on her face. Her eyes met with Moon Bin's for a split second and it was the same message he had gotten back then: Save me.

"Why are you doing this?" Taehyung put up his hands to calm him down. "We just want my sister back. You don't have to hurt your own daughter."

"She's not even my real daughter," he growled. "And I know damn well you're all here to catch me. Don't lie!" He spat.

"Dad..." Jinah whimpered.

"Shut up! You're not my daughter! She thinks she's smart when she goes and hack into your sister's body system." Jinhong pointed to Taehyung. "I married her mother even though I know she was pregnant with someone else's child! Because I loved her. I tried raising you-" he brought the sharp edge near Jinah's eyes, who flinched but didn't dare to fight back. "-as my own daughter. But as you grow older all I can see is that jerk's face. You are nothing like me!" He roared and pressed the glass on Jinah's cheek. Blood oozed out, and Moon Bin stepped forward.

"I said stay there or I will kill her!" He thrusted the weapon in front of him while his left hand was still holding Jinah. Moon Bin stopped advancing. "I loved her with all my heart. But even after all I did for her, she decided she didn't want to stay with me. She was seeing that jerk again. This girl's biological father. He abandoned her back then and I was the one who saved her! How dare she meets him behind my back and secretly plans to run away together? I provided her shelter and everything by doing my business. But she said she hated me doing something illegal and threatened to report me. Take Lee Jinah away from me. Her building a new life with that jerk and my- my daughter!"

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