Chapter 10

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Moon Bin flinched when Haeun pressed a cotton pad against a small gash near his lips, wishing the whole ordeal would be over soon. Beside Haeun, Sanha was tending to both Jin Jin and Rocky, but he paid more attention to the older one as he hit his head pretty badly against the wall. Rocky's arms and legs were free from bruises and cuts, but his torso felt sore from where he was hit by the bat. Moon Bin hissed in pain as a white-coloured ointment were rubbed on his wound, the pain shooting up before subsiding. Haeun screwed back the cap of the tube of ointment, while her eyes settled on Eunwoo and MJ, who were outside, talking to the leader of the gang. She couldn't guess the contents of the conversation, but the leader looked satisfied before executing a mock-salute, seemingly making fun of Eunwoo. Eunwoo, on the other hand seemed unfazed before tilting his head to the right, asking the gang to leave.

Much to Haeun's surprise, the gang obeyed. They skittered on the sidewalk, the lackeys looking similar to ducklings following their mother duck. MJ put on an expression which she perceived as impressed, before they made their way inside. MJ let out a desolate breath, while Jin Jin had his head down, too ashamed to look at the rest of the members. He swatted away Sanha's offer to help put a bandage around his head, claiming that he's unhurt. Obviously, he was in pain when he closed his eyes and pressed his lips together until they turned white.

"You could've told us you were facing this kind of problem," Eunwoo started, and Haeun couldn't tell whether he was just tired or disappointed.

"I'm sorry, it was my problem and I didn't-"

"It was your problem and we don't deserve to know?" Rocky stood up, his hand pressed on his sore torso, "Just because we only work together, we don't have the rights to know your problem?" Rocky wasn't angry, but he was clearly disappointed when he knew nothing about Jin Jin's dilemma.

"We live in the same house yet I don't even know you're having this kind of issue," MJ joined in, his voice low.

"Hyung, you could've told us about it and-" Sanha looked over at Eunwoo, "I'm sure we could find a solution."

"I'm sorry," was all Jin Jin could say.

"Guys! You can't just put the blame on Jin Jin; he didn't want the rest of you to get involved with this problem, and you know it can be dangerous when involving those kinds of gangs. If anything, he's just trying to protect the five of you," Haeun defended Jin Jin, and the latter held his head up, grateful.

"Haeun's right. There's no one to blame and plus, we're only looking out for each other," Moon Bin agreed, the cut near his lips had stopped bleeding, thanks to Haeun, She had offered to put on a plaster, but he only waved her away. "Besides, we get to see Haeun fight."

Eunwoo and MJ both looked at each other, and returned their gazes to Haeun. She was dipping her head too low, embarrassed. Her forehead was almost touching her knees, but Sanha pushed her head back so she was looking straight, making eye contact with Eunwoo. She blushed, but she couldn't look away. His eyes lit up, like he just discovered something great.

"Damn it, I wished I could've seen her fight," MJ exclaimed, and the rest of them laugh. Not long after they were just happily chatting, all of them secretly glad that nobody were seriously injured. Rocky kept on glimpsing at Haeun, who was busy pestering Moon Bin about his wounds, wondering whether his guts was correct or he was just hoping that he was right about it. He needed to separate Haeun from the rest of the group, but he doubted she would want to talk to him after his outburst. He had successfully avoided dealing with her, but right now he's finding himself thinking of ways to talk to her alone.

"I need to change," she finally spoke out loud, and the rest of them dismissed her. Rocky saw this as a chance, and he quietly slipped away, without the rest noticing. He followed her to the back room, strategizing on how he's going to actually lay out his question. She didn't notice she was being followed, but she wasn't shocked when Rocky was just standing idly at the door, hands shoved into his pockets. She only guessed that he had something else to take, so she went on to her locker, minding her own business.

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