Chapter 25

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"Have you tried calling her?" Moon Bin kept munching on the snacks in his hands. As he shoved his hand further and realized the packaging was empty, he crumpled up the plastic and threw it into the nearby trashcan. It was almost midnight, but the park was still lively with activities. Kids were running around, couples sat side by side near the river while colourful lights decorated the night. "She might just need some time alone."

"Obviously, that's the first thing I did," Taehyung replied, rolling his eyes. "I mean, who wouldn't have thought of that?" he said sarcastically.

"Hey, man. Just trying to be helpful here." Moon Bin put up both of his hands, the fingers on his right hand smudged with dust from the snacks.

Taehyung sighed, his mind running around in circles. Ever since he messaged his little sister, he couldn't reach her. It seemed that her commander was off. She did sound like she needed some time alone, but he couldn't be blamed when all he could do now was worry about her. She had gone through so much, and surely that period would be traumatizing to her. He's stuck between wanting to be an understanding brother and a protective one.

The ground was wet as a result of the heavy rain, but he could care less as he lay down, gazing at the stars above. Joining him, Moon Bin rolled to his side and looked at the same spot in the sky.

"What do you see?"

"A dark... future?" Taehyung guessed.

"You could at least be optimistic?" Moon Bin slapped his cheek.

"Ouch. Hey, not cool. We just met, remember?"

"Ah, right. But why do I feel as if we're lifelong friends?" Moon Bin chuckled.

"Maybe you're right. Since everybody seems to lose their memories easily nowadays." Taehyung had meant it as a joke, but both of them know that there's a deeper meaning behind his words.

"There's still hope."

"For Eunwoo to remember us? It seemed that he lost his memories. Twice. He remembered me when he lost his memories once, but do you possibly think that he will remember me now?"

"Hmm... really, but don't you think it's weird?"

"What is?"

"About the story his brother told us. Where he suddenly fell from the second floor and lost his memories. Don't you ever wonder what on earth he was doing there?"

"Maybe he had some problems and... you know," Taehyung trailed off.

"Exactly. What kind of problems?"

"Do we really want to think about that now? Isn't it better for us to figure out how we're going to get Eunwoo to remember who we are? Especially Taehee. We must make him remember who she is."

"So you're saying that you don't mind having your friend dating your sister?" Moon Bin got up, raking his fingers through his hair. "Or is it because you pity him?"

Eunwoo studied Moon Bin's face, thinking whether there's a trap behind that question, but all he could see was a curious face. Frankly speaking, he didn't mind. Plus, they have feelings for each other. So why would he stand in the way? The only problem is now, his friend, Cha Eunwoo doesn't know that he has feelings for Taehee- no, he doesn't even know Taehee.

"No. If they have feelings for each other then they should know."

"The point is, how are we going to do that?" Moon Bin spread out his arms.

"Something that can trigger his memory?"


"Arranging a 'coincidental' meeting between them?" Taehyung put up his forefinger and smiled, as if he just said the greatest idea of all times.

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