Chapter 23

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"All of you are aware of the risks, right?" Moon Bin said as soon as he entered the restaurant. Six pairs of eyes returned their attention towards the detective. He was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt with a jacket as an outerwear, and they could see his badge tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket.

"I might say this a few times but I still can't get used to the fact that you're a detective," MJ muttered, scratching his head.

"That's not the point here; but the point is today is a very important day for all of us," Moon Bin replied, pointing at every single one of them.

Sanha had just finished mopping the whole restaurant, and was now resting his chin on the handle of the mop. Areum and Taehee were huddled together, seemingly having a discussion about something deep. Rocky and MJ came out of the kitchen when they heard Moon Bin coming into the restaurant, while Jin Jin was wiping the last table. Now they were all facing Moon Bin, as if they're about to embark on the greatest mission.

"I don't think we're going to open the restaurant today, right?" Jin Jin added.

Rocky nodded, "If everything goes as planned... then I don't think so."

"I called Taehyung and asked him to meet all of us there. Let's just hope everything goes well..."

They came out of the restaurant in a line, every single heart nervous for what's going to come. They saw that Moon Bin already had a van prepared, allowing all of them to hop onto the vehicle and go to their destination together. All the while, Moon Bin noticed that Taehee had been the quietest of them all; she didn't even let anything slip out of her mouth. It seemed that she was even controlling her breathing.

They filed into the van, Rocky, Jin Jin and MJ claiming the seat at the furthest back while Sanha, Areum and Taehee sat in front of them. Moon Bin was left to drive the van alone, without anyone sitting by his side.

So he started driving. Their destination? The hospital.

Areum wanted to strike a conversation with Taehee, but the girl only kept staring outside the window. The sun was shining brightly; people went on with their routines while androids kept on doing their jobs without feelings. She looked at the scenery that passed by, all in a blur and she couldn't register what landmark they just sped past or what kind of street they were on. Taehee looked down, only realizing that her cyborg legs were shaking. She was nervous. She could hear her heart beating loudly, filling her ears with the rhythmic sound. Sweat started to form on her forehead and she felt like she could get a fever any moment.

Even the boys at the back seemed to notice how quiet Taehee was; they didn't take the chance to crack any lame jokes or try to raise up a conversation. Sanha and Areum were just looking back and forth from each other to Taehee, unsure of what to do. Truthfully, every one of them was afraid of what they're going to face.

The van pulled into the parking lot and they got out from the vehicle; the boys huddled together while Areum decided to let Taehee be in her own world. Moon Bin locked the van and they went straight to the 8th floor, where Taehyung was already waiting. He looked up as he saw the group coming closer, and gave off a weak smile. He looked around for his sister, and noticed that she was at the back, her body concealed by Sanha. She was looking down at the floor, ignoring her surroundings.

"He had waken up just recently, and his family rushed as soon as they heard the news. We still don't know his condition because his family is still inside. We'll have to wait until they come out," Taehyung announced without being asked.

Jin Jin bit his lip, "What are the chances of him losing his memory?"

"Quite high," Moon Bin muttered.

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