Chapter 28

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The culprit turned around when he heard someone gasp, and saw a horrified nurse looking upon him. He cursed, before taking out the knife forcefully. He stood up hastily before running towards the window, and jumping out through the window. He left no trail, except for the bloodstain on Eunwoo's clothes. Eunwoo was breathing heavily, staring straight at the female nurse, who was frozen in place.

She seemed to snap out of her trance, before taking a few steps back, intending to call someone else. She turned around but Eunwoo exclaimed, "Wait! Don't call anyone." He gulped. "Please."


"Please just help me clean this wound. And please keep this a secret from anyone else. Nothing happened, okay?" He said through gritted teeth, numbing the pain in his torso.

The nurse seemed reluctant but seeing Eunwoo lying helplessly while putting a hand over his wound, she gave in. Secretly she took the supplies needed before attending to Eunwoo. He hissed in pain as she cleaned his wound, muttering that he was lucky that the stab missed his vital organs. After she finished dressing up his wound, she explained that he would need to change his dressing often. The senior nurse threw the supplies she used into a dish before standing up.

"Is he that important to you that you don't want to tell anyone about this?"

"He's just someone really close to me."

"And you don't want to report it? He wanted to kill you; you almost died!" The senior nurse raised his voice, but reduced her volume when she saw Eunwoo wincing.

"But I didn't. You could say I'm lucky," he smiled, even when it's obvious he's in pain.

The nurse shook her head; not believing a young man like him exists. "Are you trying to be the angel here?"

"It's not that, I just don't want to punish him before knowing the truth."


"I swear it wasn't me-"

"Taehee, I- we know it wasn't you. We came up with a theory last night; you were being controlled, weren't you?" Moon Bin sat in front of her at the table. Moon Bin had spent the night at their apartment, both of him and Taehyung falling asleep at the dining table when they were too tired thinking about who could be the one controlling Taehee. Taehee had woken up at 7 a.m. after falling into deep sleep, finding them the first thing in the morning to explain that it wasn't her. Seemed like she didn't have to, because they assured her they knew what's going on.

"What did you feel when you're... you know, being controlled?" Taehyung pointed to his own neck to make a point.

"I know what's going on, but I can't control what I'm doing. It seemed like my limbs have minds of their own because they keep on doing what I don't want them to."

"Do you have any idea who's doing this to you?" Moon Bin said as Taehyung served a plate of toast in front of them. Taehyung took a seat beside Moon Bin, both facing Taehee.

Taehee slowly shook her head, as she really had no idea who it could be. "I'm honestly scared." Taehyung reached out her hand to tell her that her brother was here so she didn't have to worry.

"Hey, you heard that Eunwoo is getting discharged today, right? Since his operation was successful and had no complications, he was allowed to get out early. Do you guys want to pick him up from the hospital?" Moon Bin said while he picked up a piece of toast. He meant to change the mood to a happy one, but he forgot the piece of fact that Eunwoo didn't remember them.

"He doesn't remember us," Taehee mentioned before standing up. She didn't say anything else before disappearing into her room.

"Ah, I forgot." Moon Bin puckered his lips as he put back the toast. Taehyung rolled his eyes, which translated to: 'You had one job.' The detective shrugged before putting on his jacket. "I'll be going now."

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