Chapter 16

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As quiet as a mouse she decided to creep out of the restaurant while everyone else was busy cleaning up or changing. Jin Jin was at the counter, but it seemed like he was too absorbed in counting today's income that he didn't acknowledge Haeun. There was a beep as the door opened, and only then the cashier looked up from the scribbles of today's income. He noticed Haeun going away, but decided not to do anything. The incident this afternoon was still on his mind, with Moon Bin and Eunwoo seemingly hiding something.

Haeun almost jumped in joy when she managed to sneak out, but the cool night caused her to only wrap her jacket tighter and she hugged herself. She rubbed her hands on her arms up and down, hoping that it would provide her heat. Fog formed as she exhaled, before disappearing and the process repeated almost instantly. She didn't want to think about Eunwoo, about herself, or really about anybody else.

She was tired and she simply wanted to sleep.

And if everything went her way, she would gain back her memories and she would finally be able to get out of Eunwoo's house. She realized she was nothing but a burden to him, and he was just waiting to kick her out. But she could only imagine that to happen, as there was still no sign of her getting back her memories.

So she's only living at the mercy of the person named Cha Eunwoo.

Maybe she could ask help from the rest of the restaurant team members? No, what would they know about her? But then it struck her; if the one responsible for this would be so famous and the most wanted in the whole country, surely her name would appear somewhere in the news? However, her shoulder sunk back when she knew that she had no way of connecting herself to the net. Plus, truthfully she was scared on what she's going to find if she had access.

Why was Eunwoo so scared of her finding out about her past?

How bad was it that he became agitated when he found out that Rocky might know her?

She looked down at her shoes and was instantly reminded of Eunwoo. The question Moon Bin had asked her and the answer she gave flooded her mind. She wasn't sure whether she regretted it, but he didn't seem like the person who would go around and spill someone else's secrets. But it's true; even though she barely knew him, somehow she felt attracted to him. There was a small voice telling her she shouldn't be, but she couldn't wipe away the feeling. Even when he didn't come home yesterday, she felt annoyed that he might be sleeping at another girl's house, even though she had no right to.

It just happened that way.

Her thoughts accompanied her all the way to the apartment. The lift took her to Eunwoo's floor, and she made her way to the unit. She was about to punch in the code when she noticed a bundle of envelopes under the door. It seemed like someone had wanted to push them in, but they wouldn't budge as it was too thick. She picked it up, read the address on the envelope and it was indeed sent to the right place. But wouldn't sending letters through mail be extremely rare these days? Since the people of this age seemed to only communicate through calls or e-mails. She found it weird, and noticed that there was no return address. The handwriting was a bit messy, like whoever wrote it was under pressure. She tucked the envelopes under her armpit before attempting to punch in the code. They keypad turned green and she entered the unit.

She slumped on the sofa, too tired to walk to her bedroom. She placed the envelopes on the glass table in front of her and was about to unwind her bandage when her eyes caught the writing on one of the envelopes. She thought there was only Eunwoo's address written on it, when she noticed the small, writing at the bottom right corner of the envelope. She read the small writing in one go.

To Taehee.


"Where's Haeun?" Eunwoo asked as he finished wiping the kitchen countertop. Work had been hard for the two of the cooks -MJ and Eunwoo- when Rocky wasn't there, but he was glad they managed to go through the day. He threw the cloth onto the nearest table as he stood in the middle of the restaurant, looking around for her. He only saw MJ and Sanha, who were hanging by the counter. Both of them kept glancing and nudging each other, as if trying to pick on who's going to open their mouths.

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