Chapter 49

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Taehee leaned against the chair, exhausted. Her brother's wedding reception was just a small one, since that's what both the bride and groom preferred, but it was still hard work. She had to attend to the guests, helped them to their seats and basically made sure everything was in order with the help of Eunwoo, Jin Jin and Sanha. Moon Bin had wanted to help, but he needed to do a stakeout. Instead, he promised he would send over a big wedding gift soon.

The reception was held near a beach, and only close families were invited. They had also invited some of their childhood friends, and most were surprised that Taehyung was one of the first to get married. Since Taehyung was viewed as the jokester while Eunwoo was the mature one, people kept asking why Eunwoo wasn't the one to get married first. Eunwoo only laughed and turned to look at Taehee, who blushed crazily in return. The day went on like that, and by evening, only the chairs were left and the guests had returned.

"This is harder than operating a restaurant," Jin Jin commented.

"Agreed!" Sanha replied in exhaustion.

"I second that," Taehee said.

Eunwoo silently went over to Taehee and nudged her. "Do you want to go for a walk at the beach?" She agreed to it and they made their way to the beach. It was deserted, and only the two of them were there. From afar, they could see Taehyung and Areum's wedding archway. Turning back to the sea, they walked side by side while holding hands.

Eunwoo stopped midway and loosened the grip on her hand. He proceeded to roll up his sleeves and pants to ankle length. "I heard girls find men doing this attractive. Is that true?" He pointed to his rolled-up sleeves.

Taehee rolled her eyes. "If you really like that person then you will find anything the person does is attractive. So it doesn't really matter?"

"So do you find me attractive?" he playfully said.

She didn't answer verbally, but gave him a peck on the cheek to show her reply. He was taken aback and bit his lips. His heart started picking up pace and he prayed that she wouldn't be able to hear it. They walked again in silence, swinging their hands together, the breeze rushing through their hair and the water soaking their feet.

"I'm sorry I lost the shoes," she said meekly.

"Maybe you were right. I bought the shoes for you and I lost you. You lost it and I found you again."

"But I really treasured it." She looked down at her bare feet. "It was comfortable."

"You liked it because it was comfortable? Not because I bought it for you?"

She pinched his arm. "Of course that too, you silly."

He smiled and she was lost again. She couldn't believe this moment came true, and now she's walking side by side with him without any worries. She suddenly hugged him tightly in the middle of their walk, and Eunwoo was forced to stop walking when it was hard to do so. He hugged her back and they stayed like that for a few minutes. Their heights were made that he was able to rest his chin on top of her head.

"Thank you for coming into my life."

"Cha Eunwoo. Thank you for helping me when I fell down and hurt my knee. Thank you for accepting my silly confession when I was 9 years old. Thank you for coming back into my life after 11 years. Finally, thank you for remembering."

He lifted her up, so that their faces are of the same level. "You're welcome." He smiled and leaned closer. She could feel his breathing and she closed her eyes as she anticipated his next move. But she was disappointed when he only kissed her on the nose and proceeded to put her down. She pouted and kept on walking. She trudged forward and Eunwoo laughed.

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