Chapter 27

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It had been hours since the rest of the restaurant team members left, but Rocky hadn't budge from his seat ever since he finished his shift. The restaurant was quiet and dark, but it didn't spook him one bit. In fact, he enjoyed the tranquil environment; there were no kids running around, no customers bellowing to call Sanha or Areum, no drinks spilling on the table and on the floor. It was just him and the darkness.

The light outside did little to illuminate the inside of the restaurant, though he wasn't bothered. He let his eyes adjust to the darkness as he sighed, pulled his knees to his chest and proceeded to stay in that position for more than a few minutes. He let his eyes travel to the world outside, less busy than the day but still filled with activities. His eyes were fixed on a group of men walking past, struggling to walk in a straight line before they disappeared from his view. A lady then passed in front of the restaurant, clearly scared that she's out all alone at night. She was holding onto her handbag tightly, and she too disappeared from his field of vision. A couple came next, head over heels for each other, but they, too only came into his vision for a few seconds.

Rocky smirked, clearly amused by what he's seeing outside.

He threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair. His thoughts flew to the restaurant owner and what he had to go through. The clear picture of Eunwoo being tortured without mercy couldn't leave his mind. He couldn't have guessed before this that the kind guy was a cyborg all along. Not that he minded, because Eunwoo was still human. Then his mind was wrapped around Kim Taehee. The older girl, which he might have feelings for, suddenly appeared in front of him, but with a different name. Her story was tragic, and if he suddenly mentioned about his feelings towards her, what would that make him?

But Eunwoo didn't remember her. If he didn't, would that mean he was unaware of his feelings towards Taehee?

Malevolent thoughts made his way to Rocky's mind, though he quickly kicked them away. No, this is not the time for this. But he had feelings for Taehee, and this might be the time, if not only, to tell about his feelings. That would mean he's taking advantage of the situation. I'm not that evil, am I? Taehee was clearly wavering right now, and if he came in at the right moment...


He was indebted to Eunwoo, who would take him in when he was just 17 years old to work at the restaurant. Others wouldn't take him in because he was too young and inexperienced, but it was different for Eunwoo. The then 19-year-old restaurant owner recently started up his business, and a 17-year-old Rocky was almost on the verge of giving up when he saw the sign that they needed a cook. So he went in, and got the job. He's been working for him for 2 years, and that was also how long he had been away from Taehee.

He was a poor kid, whose only parent worked as a maid at Taehee's house. Though his mother was never treated as a servant, he felt ashamed and knew that he and Taehee could never be on the same level. He grew up with her, and developed feelings for her along the way. He never knew that Taehyung's friend, who always came over to their house, was the same Cha Eunwoo who now owns a restaurant. He wouldn't lie and say that his feelings were the same.

He wanted to say, I was the one who had feelings for Taehee in the first place. How could he be sure, anyway? Eunwoo was this guy who had little to say, but had his own aura. Who wouldn't fall for him? In fact, he knew that some of the female customers only came to his restaurant because they wanted to see him. He was oblivious, of course, only smiling to them as a way of respect to customers. But that smile was the one who made them fall for him. And he knew Taehee did, too. Although Rocky wanted to deny it, it was obvious that Eunwoo had feelings for her.

They had feelings for each other but one had no idea while another was left to keep her feelings deep inside.

Who was he to step in the way? Did he have the right to?

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