Chapter 24

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She looked down at the small clip attached to the strap of her bag, still getting used to the fact that she now owns a commander. Taehee couldn't shake the memory off; she remembered clearly how she was really desperate to get a hold of a commander. She wanted to find more information regarding the most wanted criminal in the whole country –Kim Taehyung- in which back then she had no idea that he was her brother. She smiled faintly as the brief period living under the same roof as Cha Eunwoo crossed her mind, but quickly frowned when she told herself that it would probably never be the same again.

They were lucky; the paramedic had mistakenly pronounced Cha Eunwoo dead as his pulse was really slow to the point that it's hard to look for it. It was tetrodotoxin, the poison that dampened Eunwoo's senses and movements. He couldn't fight back and at the merciless hands of Yoo Youngjae, it was revealed to the three of them –Taehyung, Moon Bin and Taehee- and the two who was watching through the screen –Areum and Rocky- that the owner of the restaurant was a cyborg. Eunwoo was rushed to the hospital quickly, and today was the day that he had finally woken up.

Though she was beyond happy and relieved that Eunwoo could be saved, a small voice kept repeating the same words over and over; he won't remember who you are. She could not wash that thought away, and she could not bring herself to face him. How painful would it be, seeing Eunwoo on the hospital bed, and asking who she is? No, she could not bear the feeling and that was why she ran away. Running away from facing Cha Eunwoo. And to think that her feelings were only one-sided...

A notification popped up and she registered the message received. It was from her brother:

- We visited him and he seemed fine. It's just... there are holes in his memories.

She knew it was coming, but it still felt like a hard slap across her face. She typed in a reply, slowly but steadily.

- Does he... remember all of us?

She waited for a few seconds before another message flew in.

- Only some. We figured that he erased everything regarding the case. He doesn't remember Moon Bin, Taehyung, Areum and...

It took her a while to process the message before typing:

- Me.

- Right. He doesn't remember us, but he remembers the rest of the restaurant team members.

- I see. Are you guys done visiting him?

- I'm sorry.

He replied with an apology, instead of answering the question. Taehee gritted her teeth; this is not the time for her brother to be apologetic.

- Don't be. It's not your fault.

- ... How can I not be? We're leaving now.

- Go on, I'll stay here a little bit longer. Tell the rest of the members that I might not join them at the restaurant today.

- Okay. And Taehee... please take care of yourself.

She didn't reply as she put away the screen almost in a hurry. Her mind was jumbled up as she thought whether it was worth it to start over or not. She had two choices; reappearing in front of Cha Eunwoo while trying to start over or quit her job at the restaurant quietly while bringing herself as far as possible from him. The latter seemed more appealing, and that might be the best way to forget her feelings towards him. Her eyes traveled down to her feet; she still wore the shoes, which Eunwoo bought for her. She subconsciously touched her hair, feeling the hair tie tied around her hair.

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