Chapter 8

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That was it, and she was back to square one. As soon as MJ came in, Rocky left the plate in the sink and went on to meet the eldest. He didn't suspect anything, and Rocky kept moving on like nothing ever happened. The conversation between Rocky and Haeun disappeared, so she forced herself to step out of the kitchen. The three of them were the only ones there, but none of them were talking to each other. While MJ went to the lockers, Rocky ignored her, as if there was a 'don't disturb' sign plastered on his back.

So she obeyed. She was utterly bewildered with Rocky's sudden outburst, but she wasn't going to get that cleared up for awhile. Eunwoo was nowhere to be seen, and when Jin Jin opened the door to the restaurant at 10 a.m. he made it clear he's not talking to Haeun. Disheartened, she took the initiative to walk out of the restaurant. After all it wouldn't be opened until around lunchtime, so Eunwoo wouldn't be able to say anything.

Rocky saw her leaving, and he sighed. He felt guilty for shouting at her, especially when she's older than him, but his ego told him to let her be. It's not like she's going to run away. She would eventually return to the lot.

Haeun kept on walking. Along the road she could see different shops selling different items and providing different services; one was a shop providing everything related to electronics, another was a gaudy dress shop, the next was a spa operated fully by androids and the one next to it was a self-operated laundry. There were all kinds of activities going on; with government workers dressed sharply talking to their screens with serious faces, and an old lady walking beside an android carrying her groceries. A man just bought a newspaper- she caught a glimpse of Kim Taehyung while a teenager around the age of 17 was hopping on a floating board. He almost ran into her when he started accelerating, but she reacted just in time to avoid being sprawled on the ground.

Maybe it was her mistake that she kept forcing Rocky to talk, or maybe he was not in the best mood. But she was angry; angry that nobody seemed to want to explain to her directly. She felt that Eunwoo was playing a game with her; she was a mere game piece meant to amuse him. Like she was nothing but a piece of experiment among other thousands of successful projects.

She felt that the face that appeared everyday in the newspaper would provide her some answers. But as she stared at the picture, she felt even more lost, far from her target.

She wanted to track the runaway, but even with the best technology, they couldn't find him. So how was she, a lost cyborg with erased memories, supposed to find Kim Taehyung?

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize she was almost at the end of the street. She glanced at the clock near the traffic light and she saw that she had been walking around for 15 minutes or so. There was a massive intersection with cars coming from different directions; she was on the side waiting for the light to turn green. While her ears captured the sound of the timer, her eyes were scanning the crowd across the street. Her eyes didn't capture anything interesting to look at, and she was about to look somewhere else when she saw Eunwoo sitting on the table outside of a café, a hot drink in front of him. A lot of people were passing by and she thought he was alone.

When she looked closely, she noticed he was actually facing someone. A guy, but his back was to her. The guy was wearing a snapback and his face was directed the other way. So there was no way for her to know who it was. The cars on the road and people streaming in front of the shop lots across the street made it harder for her to identify the person talking to Eunwoo. Eunwoo seemed serious when he was talking to the guy, his forehead creasing with every line he produced. Eunwoo traced his hand on the rim of the cup before looking left and right. Haeun ducked, as if afraid Eunwoo might notice her. She knew it was nearly impossible. With that, he stood up and joined the crowd going to the left, probably going to the restaurant, or anywhere else.

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